

Sigidimnak Noxs Ts'aawit Dr. Amy Parent and the Nisga'a Ni'isjoohl Memorial Pole Rematriation Team Honoured with British Columbia Historical Federation Award of Merit

July 26, 2023
Photo Credit: Neil Hanna

(BCHF) is pleased to announce that Sigidimnak Noxs Ts'aawit Dr. Amy Parent, and the Nisg戔aa Ni'isjoohl Memorial Pole Rematriation team are recipients of the , presented at the Federations annual conference awards gala on July 22, 2023. 

BCHF President Rosa Flinton-Brown stated, We are pleased to present this Award of Merit to Dr. Amy Parent and the entire rematriation team.  Returning artifacts to Indigenous communities can be part of repairing historical wrongs and moving towards reconciliation.  We hope this award increases public awareness and support for the return of more artifacts, held in collections around the world, to the Indigenous communities in B.C.

Awards of Merit are awarded to individuals and organizations who have made a significant contribution to the study or promotion of British Columbia History.

Through their steadfast determination to request the rematriation of the Niisjoohl memorial pole to Nisg戔aa territory without conditions, the team are cutting the path and setting the bar for the return of stolen cultural belongings and ancestors in British Columbia. The pole, belonging to the House of Niisjoohl from the Ganda (frog clan) in the Nisg戔aa Nation, was stolen in 1929 by anthropologist Marius Barbeau and sold to the Royal Scottish Museum (today known as the National Museum of Scotland).

In Nisg戔aa culture, we believe that this pole is alive with the spirits of our ancestor. After nearly 100 years, we are finally able to bring our dear relative home to rest on Nisg戔aa lands. In means so much for us to have the Niisjoohl memorial pole returned to us, so that we can connect our family, nation and our future generations with our living history, shared Simoogit Niisjoohl, Chief Earl Stephens.

Together, Sigidimnak Noxs Tsaawit Dr. Amy Parent, and the Nisg戔aa Ni'isjoohl Memorial Pole Rematriation team, requested the poles return from the National Museum of Scotland on behalf of the Nisg戔aa Nation. Navigating differing cultural worldviews, the team successfully collaborated with the Museum to find compromises to longstanding museological protocols and challenged colonial practices which have been used to retain and withhold belongings and ancestors from their communities. 

The return of the pole to the Nisg戔aa People corrects a historic wrong and establishes a frame of reference through which Indigenous communities across British Columbia can find hope: The repatriation of the Niisjoohl memorial pole to our family and Nation brings important legislation, such as the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, to life in a powerful way, Parent added. We hope that our story inspires our Indigenous relatives around the world to know that the impossible is possible when challenging colonial structures for the repatriation of our stolen cultural treasures. Justice for our ancestors will prevail.

The rematriation team consists of Sigidimnak Noxs Tsaawit (Dr. Amy Parent), Chief Niisjoohl (Chief Earl Stephens), Shawna Mackay from the House of Niisjooh, Hlgu Aama Gat (Donald Leeson, Chief Councillor, Laxgaltsap Village Government), Apdii Laxha (Andrew Robinson, Nisg戔aa Lisims Government Industry Relations Manager), Mmihlgum Maakskwhl G戔akw (Pamela Brown) and Theresa Schober (Curator and Director of the Nisg戔aa Museum).
