

Celeste Snowber's new poetry book Blue Waiting tells stories from coast to coast

September 15, 2017

Blue Waiting is a new collection of poems from Associate Professor Celeste Snowber, co-authored with Sean Wiebe. The poets say that Blue Waiting has been formed through the geography of living. This geography takes shape in the edges of islands, mountains, families, and most of all the terrain of the inner life. In two voices, it explores many issues facing the coasts from both a male and female perspective. 

Snowber's essays and poetry have been published extensively in various journals and chapters in books and she is the author of Embodied Prayer and co-author of Landscapes in Aesthetic Education. Her most recent collection of poetry is Wild Tourist and her book, Embodied Inquiry: Writing, Living and Being through the Body was released in the fall of 2016. She is the recipient of the 2016 Ted T. Aoki Award for Distinguished Service in Canadian Curriculum Studies. Celeste continues to create/perform site-specific work in connection to the natural world and is presently the Artist in Residence in the UBC Botanical Garden where she is creating performances of dance and poetry in each season.

Celeste Snowber will launch Blue Waiting with special guest bassist Jodi Proznick on September 28 at 7 pm at the Old Crow Coffee Co., 655 Front Street in New Westminster. For more information on the . 
