
Faculty of Education and You: Katy Deo


Year Graduated: 2016

Program: MEd in Educational Practice

Katy Deo initially discovered her interest in teaching through volunteering with her grade two teacher at the time of her undergraduate studies. This hands-on experience solidified her conviction that teaching was the ideal career path for her. Subsequently, she pursued her aspirations by successfully completing the MEd in Educational Practice program.

In the program, we learned a lot of learning frameworks that required students to incorporate their interests. This included inquiry-based learning, project-based learning, components of UDL and play-based learning.

What stood out to me about the program is the sense of belonging it instills. I felt that I was in a safe and secure environment where teacher-learners were able to share their vulnerable moments and curiosities without being judged.

Being able to compare theoretical frameworks and daily practices with others helped me to better understand what Im doing in the classroom and why.

I learned how to better question and listen as an educator from the program.  

This program shaped the way I deliver content with confidence. As a teacher, you're not just working with students and colleagues. Knowing how to interact with parents is also a significant piece.

Advocating and investigating the idea of being a lifelong learner encompasses all the competencies and skills we have learned in the program. This mindset is essential in teaching in a society that is always evolving.

"As educators, its essential for us to embrace the concept of lifelong learning and integrate it with the idea of fostering an understanding and awareness around reconciliation, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour), LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual) and climate change. 

A significant takeaway from the program was learning how to teach from the heart. Understanding how to weave in our talents and passions when delivering our prescribed curriculum brightens the path as we navigate this endeavour.


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