

Aneesa Hashimi

BGS, 2022

From a remarkably young age, Aneesa Hashimi knew she wanted a career working with children.


I started working with children when I was still a child myself, says Hashimi. I was still in elementary school and I remember jumping at any chance to help monitor the younger classes at lunch time.

Harnessing her unwavering passion, she went on to complete a year-long volunteer placement in a local kindergarten classroom as part of a Grade 11 work experience class.

Working with a variety of students, including newcomers to Canada and those with learning disabilities, Aneesa became convinced that she should pursue a career in education.

It brought me so much joy to see their eyes light up when they were learning something new. It was so rewarding to see their progress and to know that I played a part in that.

When it came time for her to apply to university, Aneesa spoke to a friend at 間眅埶AV and knew the Faculty of Education was the right place for her. And while she was hopeful of being admitted, she didnt expect what came next. 

Ill never forget my first encounter with the faculty, says Hashimi. I received a phone call from the Dean at the time informing me that I had been offered an Undergraduate Scholars Entrance Scholarship. I was ecstatic. I couldnt believe it. The fact that the Dean called me personally just made the experience all the more special.

Now in her second year of the Bachelor of General Studies in Education (BGS), Aneesa is enjoying the flexibility to pursue three minors in Social Justice in Education, Curriculum and Instruction, and Educational Psychology.

I became interested in social justice and psychology when I was in high school and it's been great studying these topics in the context of education."  

In addition to being the Marketing and Communications Director for the Education Student Association, Aneesa says joining  during the summer of her first year has been one of her most valuable best experiences deepening her commitment to the environment and giving back to the community.  

As a volunteer in the Learning Garden and the Food Rescue Program, she has learned how to grow food sustainably, distribute healthy produce to the community, and engage in important dialogue about food wastage.

Its been amazing to share the things that I have learned and spark other peoples interest in learning more about sustainable practices and how to make a positive impact on the environment.

My advice to anyone coming to 間眅埶AV is to start exploring different opportunities to get involved in the community as soon as you can.

The aspiring elementary school teacher now hopes to expand upon this experience by exploring place-based education as part of 間眅埶AVs Professional Development Program.
