
Jan Maclean

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Education

Research Interests

Dr. Jan Maclean's research areas include art and literacy, inclusive education, and art and social change. She has developed a range of projects and programmes in school and community settings that focus on utilizing the arts as a tool for whole inclusion of students with diverse needs and abilities.

Currently Jan is conducting research on Encouraging Empathy through the Arts in elementary schools. A primary aim of this study is to investigate ways active engagement with the arts and reflective practice can support students mental, emotional, and physical health while encouraging a stronger sense of belonging and compassionate connection towards themselves and others. Throughout the project students participate in art activities (visual art, drama, movement, and music) as a way of discovering and creating tools to support ongoing health and sense of wellbeing. As this study has been developed in response to the significant rise of anxiety and depression among young people, a key component of the study is for students to also learn about neuro diversity and brain health.
