

1. Plato Hipp. min. 363 B: 庰廔 廒庥庰巹彖怷 怷廔彖 廒﹡棒倔 廒彖, 庰廒 帣怷弇怷弮峟彖彃 廒廔僇 廒圖巹彄, 廒彖帢庛怷巹弮庢彖, 廔 帢廔彃 帤怷庥庰彃 庰廔 怷彃彖 廒彖帤怷彃彖 怷怷庣彖 (de Achille et Ulixe), 庰怷彖 廒弮庰巹彖 庢廔僇 庰廒僇諄敖, 廒庰庣帤廔 庥帢廔 廒弇弇帢 怷弇弇廔 庥帢廔 帢彖怷帤帢廔 廒﹡澄彖 廒庣帤峟帤庰庣庥帢庣 庥帢廔 庰廔 怷庣庢彃僇 庰 廒弇弇彖 庥帢廔 庰廔 廔弮峸怷.

廒圖. 庥帢廔 帠廔區 廒彖 帤庰庣彖廔 怷庣怷巹庢彖... 庰廒 廔弇弮巹帢庤庰 弮廔統 庰廒區 廔棒 彃僇 廒弇弇峸彖彖 帢彖峸帠庣彖... 廒庰廔 廒帢彖庣廔樁 怷廒棒睡諺裕舒 廒徆 廒疥銜團棒諫 庰廒區 廔 廒敖舜廔裕 帢峟 廒弮帢廔裕 庥帢廔 弇峟帠怷彖帢, 廔 庣 廒彖 庣 帣怷弇庢帢庣, 廔形 廒彖 弮怷庣 庰廒區 廒巹帤庰庣徆庣彖 帢庰庥庰帢弮峟彖怷彖 彄, 庥帢廔 廒怷庥庣彖弮庰彖怷彖 彃 帣怷弇怷弮峟彖彃, 廔 庣 廒彖 庣 廒彄, 彖彃缶 帤廔 廔棒 峉庥峎怷 廒庢庣彖 帠怷庣弮庣.

Ad loci interpretationem quod attinet, adeundus est W. O. Friedel, De sophistarum studiis Homericis. Diss. Hal. I 157 sq. De Hippiae dictione Philostr. vit. soph. p. 210.12 K.: 廒+弮峸彖庰庰 帤廔 怷廔庥 廒弇弇庣彃剿 廒弇弇廔 庰庣彃剿 庥帢廔 庥帢廔 峎庣彖 廒 廔弇巹帠帢 庥帢帢庰帠彖 彃僇 廒庥 怷庣庢庣庥彃 廔彖弮帢帢 (庥帢廔 庣彖 traditur). V. Plato Protag. 337 C, Athenaeus 506 f 廒彖 帤廔 彃 庰彖庰徆峟彖彃 怷廔 弮彖怷彖 廒圖巹帢 廔 廒佳銜菲怷 弇庰峎庤庰帢庣, 廒弇弇廔 庥帢廔 廔 P帢弮彖怷庣怷 廒彖庣彃僇 庥帢廔 廔 {弮怷庣庥廔裒} 峎弮怷.


2. Plato Phaedr. 267 B de Prodic怷: 庢廔庢庥峟彖帢庣 廒庢, 廔形 帤庰彃, 弇帠彖 峟彖庢彖繚 帤庰彃彖 帤廔 怷廔庰 弮帢庥彃僇 怷廔庰 帣帢峟彖, 廒弇弇廔 弮庰巹彖. 峉. 廒圖巹帢彖 帤廔 怷廔 弇峟帠怷弮庰彖; 怷廒僇樁敖 帠廔區 廒彖 弮庢怷彖 帢廔彃 庥帢廔 廔裕 廒佳銜菲怷彖 徆峟彖怷彖 帠庰彖峟庛帢庣.

Artiore quodam vinculo Prodicum Hippiamque fuisse conexos docent etiam Schol. in Hermog. W VII 9, 9 sq.: 弇峟帠怷庣彖 帢廔廔棒 (sc. 彃用煙怷庣庥廔棒) 怷庣庣庥廔棒 庥帢廔 廔巹庤怷彖帢庣 怷廔繚 弇帠彖 廒區廔磁 庰廔 怷彃 帤怷庥怷彃缶誕怷 庣庛帢彖怷彃. 怷怷 帤廔 廔棒 帢庣彖 帤庣庥怷彖 庥帢廔 廒圖巹帢彖 帢廔 帤庰帤庥峟彖帢庣 (v. supra B VIII 2).




3. Schol. in Platonis Gorg. 497 C (p. 913, 29 ed. Tur.): 廔 弮庣庥峎 庰 庥帢廔 庰彖峎繚 怷廔 廒峟庥怷彖 怷廒 怷庣庣庥怷廔 彃用晅怷庰 怷廔磁 帤庣帢弇庰庥庣庥怷廔磁 弇帠怷繚 庥帢廔 廒圖巹帢 帠怷彃缶 庰庣弮峸弮帢帢 帢廔怷廔磁 廒庥峎弇庰庰彖.


4. 峓en. mem. IV 4, 6: (峉.) 怷廔 弮彖怷彖 廒庰廔 廔 帢廔廔 弇峟帠, 廒弇弇廔 庥帢廔 庰廔 彃僇 帢廔彃僇, 廔 帤宎 廒棲 帤庣廔 廔 怷弇弮帢庛廔棲 庰廒僇諄敖 庰廔 彃僇 帢廔彃僇 怷廔帤峟怷庰 廔 帢廔廔 弇峟帠庰庣. 廒弮峟弇庰庣, 廒庢 (sc.廒圖巹帢), 庰庣彃僇樁敖 庥帢庣彖彖 庣 弇峟帠庰庣彖 廒庰巹.


5. Clemens Alex. Str怷m. VI 15 (II 434, 21 St.): 峟庰 廒彖庣庥 弮帢怷彃缶誕帢 廒﹡澄彖 廒圖巹帢彖 廔裕 怷庣廔棒 廔裕 廒佳銜菲怷彖, 廔 廔裕 帢廔廔裕 庰廔 怷彃 怷庥庰庣弮峟彖怷 弮怷庣 庥峟弮弮帢怷 廒形睡舒 弇帠怷彖, 帢帢庢弮庰庛帢 廔形棒 弇峟帠怷彖帢繚 怷彖 廒棲 庰廒棲庢帢庣 廔 弮廔統 廔庰彃, 廔 帤廔 怷帢巹彃 <庥帢廔> 庥帢廔 帣帢廔 廒弇弇彃 廒弇弇帢怷彃, 廔 帤廔 廒戕庣帤彃, 廔 帤廔 廔弮峸彃, 廔 帤廔 怷彃 廒弇弇怷庣 彃僇 怷庣庢彃僇, 廔 帤廔 廒彖 帠帠帢帢彃 廔 弮廔統 廒弇弇庢庣 廔 帤廔 帣帢帣峎怷庣. 廒帠廔 帤廔 廒庥 峎彖彖 怷彖 廔 弮峟帠庣帢 庥帢廔 廔弮弇帢 彖庛庰廔剿 怷彃羊怷彖 庥帢庣彖廔裕 庥帢廔 怷弇庰庣帤彃 廔裕 弇帠怷彖 怷庣峸怷弮帢庣.

Inest 帣帢弇怷帠巹帢 et 庥帢庣彖怷弇怷帠巹帢, cf. 4.


6. Plato Hipp. mai. 288 C/D 峉. 廒庰彃 怷巹彖彖 弮庰廔 怷彃羊宎 廒庥庰彃彖怷, 庰帤彖 庣 庰廔 怷廒僇棒 廒庥 怷彃 怷 庰庥弮帢庣弮庰彖怷繚 廔 帣峟弇庣庰 , 巹 帤峟; 帢 庥帢弇廔 怷廔 庥帢弇廔裕 廒帢; 廒圖. 廔 峉庥帢庰, 巹 帤宎 廒庣彖 廔 廒彖庛怷; 廔+ 廒帢巹帤庰 庣, 廔 怷廔 帢彃缶銜 廔彖弮帢帢 廔彖怷弮峎庤庰庣彖 怷弇弮彄 廒彖 庰弮彖彃 峎帠弮帢庣.

Cf. Hippiae artis loquendi imitationem apud Platonem Protag. 337 C sq.


7. Plato Hipp. mai. 282A (Hippias): 庰廒棲庛帢 弮峟彖怷庣 廒帠帠庰 怷廔磁 帢弇帢庣怷 庰 庥帢廔 怷峟怷 廒﹡澄蕊彖 怷峟怷 庰 庥帢廔 弮彄僇銜銜諺 廒帠庥弮庣峎庤庰庣彖 廒 怷廔磁 彖彃缶, 庰廔弇帢帣怷弮庰彖怷 弮廔統 庛彖怷彖 彃僇 庤彖彖, 怷帣怷弮庰彖怷 帤廔 弮彃彖庣彖 彃僇 庰庰弇庰庢庥彖.



8. Plato Hipp. mai. 286 A: 庥帢廔 彖帢廔 弮廔 巹, 廔 峉庥帢庰, 庰巹 帠庰 廒庣庢帤庰弮峎彖 庥帢弇彃僇 庥帢廔 廒彖帢帠怷 帢廔庛庣 庰廔帤怷庥巹弮庢帢 帤庣庰徆庣彖, 廒 廔 廔裕 彖峟怷彖 廒庣庢帤庰庰庣彖. 廒庣 帠峎 弮怷庣 庰廔 帢廔彃僇 帢帠庥峎弇 弇帠怷 帠庥庰巹弮庰彖怷, 庥帢廔 廒弇弇 庰廔 帤庣帢庥庰巹弮庰彖怷 庥帢廔 怷彃 廔彖弮帢庣. 庢弮帢 帤峟 弮怷巹 廒庣 庥帢廔 廒廔 怷庣峎帤庰 庣 怷彃 弇帠怷繚 廒庰庣帤廔 廒 峇怷巹帢 廒用銨, 弇峟帠庰庣 廔 弇帠怷, 廔庣 庰怷弇庰弮怷 峟怷帢 廒怷庣怷, 怷彃峎 廒庣 庥帢弇廔 廒庣庢帤庰弮帢帢, 廒 廒彖 庣 廒庣庢帤庰帢 彖峟怷 廔卅 庰廔帤怷庥庣弮帢怷 帠峟彖怷庣怷. 弮庰廔 帢彃羊帢 帤廔 弇峟帠彖 廒廔僇 廔 峟 庥帢廔 廔怷庣庛峟弮庰彖怷 帢廔彃 峎弮怷弇弇帢 彖弮庣弮帢 庥帢廔 峎帠庥帢弇帢.

Cf. Philostratus vit. soph. p. 210, 5 K.: 廒庣彖 帤廔 帢廔彃 庥帢廔 峇庣庥廔裒 帤庣峎弇怷帠怷, 怷廔 弇帠怷 廔 峟 廒彖 峇怷巹彄 廒弇怷彃 廔怷巹庛庰帢庣 庰怷怷弇峟弮彃 彃 廒庣弇弇峟, 廒 廔 廒庣庢帤庰怷彖帢 廒彖帤帢 廒帠帢庛廔裕 帢巹彖庰庛帢庣. Cf. supra 1 adn. Isocr. 1, 12. 13, 3. Xen. anab. 2, 6, 16. 18.



9. Plato Hipp. min. 364 C: 庢弮廔 帠廔區 (Hippias) 廔弮庢怷彖 庰怷庣庢庥峟彖帢庣 廒庣怷彖 弮廔統 廒彖帤帢 廒庣弇弇峟帢 彃僇 庰廒區 峇怷巹帢彖 廒庣庥怷弮峟彖彖, 怷帢怷彖 帤廔 峟怷帢, 怷弇怷帢怷彖 帤廔 廔帤峟帢.

De heroum triadibus cf. supra A III 7, v. etiam B XIX 10.


10. Plato Hipp. min. 368 C/D: 廔裒 帤廔 怷怷庣 (廒庢庛帢 sc. Hippias) 怷庣峸弮帢帢 廒彖 廒弇庛庰彃彖 庥帢廔 廒庢 庥帢廔 帢帠彃割棒翁救 庥帢廔 帤庣庛峎弮帣怷 庥帢廔 庥帢帢弇怷帠峎帤庢彖 怷弇弇怷廔磁 弇帠怷 庥帢廔 帢彖怷帤帢怷廔磁 帠庥庰庣弮峟彖怷. 庥帢廔 庰廔 彃僇 庰彖彃僇 帤廔 廔形 廒庣 廒帠廔 廒弇庰帠怷彖 廒庣峸弮彖 廒庣庥峟庛帢庣 帤庣帢庰彖 彃僇 廒弇弇彖 庥帢廔 庰廔 彃甩庛弮彃僇 庥帢廔 廒弮怷彖庣彃僇 庥帢廔 帠帢弮弮峎彖 廔庛庢怷, 庥帢廔 廒弇弇帢 廒庣 廔裒 怷怷庣 峎彖 怷弇弇峎, 廔+ 廒帠廔 帤怷庥彃 弮彖庢弮怷彖庰庰庣彖. 庥帢巹怷庣 帠庰 弮彖庢弮怷彖庣庥廔裕 廒庰弇帢庛弮庢彖 怷, 廔+ 廒怷庣庥庰, 峟彖庢弮帢, 廒彖 彄 廔 怷廒棒舒 弇帢弮帢怷 庰廒僇諄敖.

怷弇弇彃僇 庥帢廔 帢彖怷帤帢彃僇 弇帠彖宎 collectionis titulum 峉彖帢帠帢帠峸彖 servavit Athenaeus XIII 609 a.


11. Plato Hipp. mai 285 C/D: 峉. (sc. quid Lacedaemonii a Hippia discere cupiant) 廒弇弇廔 帤彃帢 廒庥庰彃彖帢, 廒 廔 廒庥庣帣峟帢帢 廒巹帢帢庣 廒彖庛彖 帤庣帢庣庰彃彖, 庰巹 庰 帠帢弮弮峎彖 帤彖峎弮庰 庥帢廔 弇弇帢帣彃僇 庥帢廔 彃甩庛弮彃僇 庥帢廔 廒弮怷彖庣彃僇.

Cf. 庣帢弇峟徆庰庣 5, 11 廒帠廔 帤廔 怷廔 峎帠弮帢怷 怷怷彃羊怷彖 怷庣庰庛峟彖怷 廒弇弇怷庣怷彃羊庛帢庣 帤怷庥彃 廔 峎帠弮帢帢, 廒弇弇宎 廒弮怷彖巹帢 帤庣帢弇弇帢帠庰巹帢繚 廔甩庰 弇帢彃缶睡諫 庥帢廔 帠弇帢庥廔裒 庥帢廔 峎彖庛怷 庥帢廔 徆帢彖庛廔裒 庥帢廔 怷彃缶裕諫 庥帢廔 徆怷庛. 帢彃羊帢 弮廔統 廔棒 廒弮怷彖巹帢彖 廒弇弇峎徆帢彖帢 帤庣峸彖庰庣庥帢彖, 廔 帤廔 弮帢庥彃剿 庥帢廔 帣帢峟 彃用煎裕倀誕帢, 峇怷 庥帢廔 , 峎庥怷 庥帢廔 帢庥, 廒庰帢 帤廔 帠峎弮弮帢帢 帤庣帢弇弇峎徆帢彖帢繚 庥峎怷 庥帢廔 庥帢, 廔彖怷 庥帢廔 彖怷. Vide etiam Aristoph. Nub. 636 sq., Plato Crat. 424 C, Xen. mem. IV 4, 7.



12. Aristot. poet. 1461 a 21: 庥帢廔 帤廔 怷彃割棒翁敖 (sc. 帤庰彃 帤庣帢弇庰庣彖), 廔甩庰 廒圖巹帢 廒弇庰彖 廔 峎庣怷 廔 帤巹帤怷弮庰彖 帤峟 怷廒捩 庥帢廔 廔 弮廔統 怷廔 庥帢帢庛庰帢庣 廔弮帣彃傘.

Fuerunt, qui dubitarent, essentne haec ad nostrum Hippiam referenda (cf. Friedel p. 159 sq.).


13. Aristot. Soph. el. 4, p. 166 b 1: 帢廔 帤廔 廔棒 怷彃割棒翁敖 廒彖 弮廔統 怷彃 廒彖庰 帠帢彃 帤庣帢弇庰庥庣庥怷彃 怷廔 彃丟噹帤庣怷彖 怷庣彃帢庣 弇帠怷彖, 廒彖 帤廔 怷彃 帠庰帠帢弮弮峟彖怷庣 庥帢廔 怷庣峸弮帢庣 弮彄僇銜銜諺, 怷廒煎諺 庥帢廔 廔裕 廔弮庢怷彖 廒彖庣怷庣 帤庣怷庛怷彃缶誕帢庣 廔裒 怷廔磁 廒弇峟帠怷彖帢 廔+ 廒 庰廒區庢庥帢 廔 弮廔統 怷廔 庥帢帢庛庰帢庣 廔弮帣彃傘. 弇怷庣 帠廔區 帢廔廔 彃 怷帤巹彄, 弇峟帠怷彖庰 廔 怷 廔徆庰怷彖. 庥帢廔 廔 庰廔 廔 廒彖彖庣怷彖 怷彃 廒帠帢弮峟弮彖怷彖怷, 廔庣 怷廔庥 帢廔廔裒 廔 庰廔磁 庰廒剿庰彖 帤巹帤怷弮庰彖 帤峟 怷廒 庰廔怷 廒峟庛帢庣, 廒弇弇廔 彃 廒彖彖巹彃 廒彖庰峟弇弇庰怷 帤庣帤彖帢庣.

Cf. scholiastarum ad locum adnotationes.


14. Xen. symp. 4, 62 (ad Antisthenem): 怷廒僇棒 帤峟 庰 (sc. 帢弇弇巹帢彖 怷帢帠帠庰帢彖帢) 廒圖巹彄 彃 廒佳銜舒脊興, 帢宎 怷廔 怷廔怷 庥帢廔 廔 弮彖庢弮怷彖庣庥廔裕 廒弮帢庛庰彖.

Cf. supra A V 52. Plat. Hipp. mai. 285 E (Hippias): 廒帢徆 廒庥怷帢 庰彖峸庥怷彖帢 廔彖弮帢帢 廒怷弮彖庢弮怷彖庰. Ammianus Marc. 16, 5, 8. 庣帢弇峟徆庰庣 9: 弮峟帠庣怷彖 帤廔 庥帢廔 庥峎弇弇庣怷彖 廒徆庰庢弮帢 庰廔庢帢庣 弮彖峎弮帢 庥帢廔 廒 峎彖帢 峸庣弮怷彖, 廒 廔匿 怷巹帢彖 庥帢廔 廒 廔裕 帣巹怷彖 庥弇., quae ad Hippiam post Duemmlerum rettulit H. Gomperz p. 179.



15. Stob. III 42, 10: 弇怷峎怷 廒庥 怷彃 <庰廔 怷彃> 帤庣帢帣峎弇弇庰庣彖. 廒圖巹帢 庢巹彖, 廔庣 帤庰庣彖彖 廒庣彖 廒 帤庣帢帣怷弇巹帢, 怷廔 廔彖怷弮峎庤彖, 廔庣 怷廔帤廔 庣弮巹帢 庣 庥帢宎 帢廔彃僇 帠峟帠帢帢庣 廒彖 怷彃 彖弮怷庣 廔甩庰 彃僇 庥弇庰彃僇蝓 庥帢巹怷庣 廒庣怷彖 廔彖 庥彃弮帢 廔棒 庣弇巹帢彖 庥弇峟怷庣彖, 廔甩庰 廒 廔帣庣 庥帢庥怷彃羊帠怷 怷廔帢 帤庣庥帢庣怷峟帢 廒廔 彃 帤庣帢帣怷弇彃 帤庣廔 廔 弮廔 廒帢彖廔棲 庰廒僇諄敖.

Ex conclusione apparet non de oratorum 帤庣帢帣怷弇彃, quae vocatur, esse actum, quae quidem apud iudices in aperto fiebat. Duo invidiae genera ab eodem Hippia esse distincta ibidem III 38, 32 ex Plutarcho Stobaeus memorat.


XI. Hippias

1. Plato Hipp. min. 363 B: So that is a point about which, if it is agreeable to Hippias, I should like to askwhat he thinks about these two men, which of them he says is the better; [363c] for he has told us in his exhibition many other things of sorts about Homer and other poets. . . .

Hippias - Why, Eudicus, it would be strange conduct on my part, if I, who always go up to Olympia to the festival of the Greeks from my home at Elis, and entering the sacred precinct, offer to speak on anything that anyone chooses of those subjects [363d] which I prepared for exhibition, and to answer any questions that anyone asksshould now avoid being questioned by Socrates.

With respect to the interpretation of this passage, one must consult W. O. Friedel, De sophistarum studiis Homericis. Diss. Hal. I 157 f. On Hippias diction see Philostr. Lives of the Sophists p. 210.12 K.: He would interpret not in too succinct a manner, but rather at length, and in his phrasing he would be content with a few words taken from poetry. See Plato Protagoras 337 C; Athenaeus 506 f: In the Menexenos not only Hippias is mocked, but also Antiphon of Rhamnus and Lampros.


2. Plato Phaedr. 267 B: (Prodicus) claimed to have invented the technique of giving appropriate speeches; appropriate means neither long nor short, but in the middle.

[Socrates:] Wont we speak of Hippias? I think, in fact, that the stranger from Elea would agree.

That Prodicus and Hippias were connected somewhat more closely is attested also in the Scholium on Hermog. W VII 9, 9 f.: They say that rhetoric is sophistic and define it as The power of speeches about what is regarded as persuasive. And they say the reason for this definition has been provided by Prodicus and Hippias. (See B VIII 2.)


3. Scholion on Platos Gorgias: The small and the narrow: this is how the rhetorician who were sophists made fun of dialectics. Hippias even called them shavings.


4. Xenophon, Memorabilia 4.4.6: (Socrates:) Not only do I always say the same, but also on the same topics too! But you, being very learned, probably never say the same thing on the same subjects. (Hippias:) I certainly try to say something fresh every time.


5. Clemens of Alexandria, Stromateis: Let us call on as an ally the sophist Hippias of Elis, who said the same things on this present topic as I am, to bear witness directly in front by saying more or less the following words: Of these things some were said by Orpheus, some by Musaeus and, to put it shortly, by different people in different contexts some by Hesiod, some by Homer, some by all other poets, some in Greek writings, some in non-Greek ones; I shall put together the greatest ones of each kind and make this speech of mine original and variegated.

Here we find short speaking and new speaking, cf. 4.


6. Plato, Hippias major 288 C-D: (Socrates:) After this, then, the man will ask, I am sure, judging by his character: You most excellent man, how about a beautiful pot? Is it, then, not beautiful? (Hippias:) Socrates, who is the fellow? What an uncultivated person, who has the face to mention such worthless things in a dignified matter!

Cf. the imitation of Hippias art of speaking in Plato Protagoras 337C f.


7. Plato, Hippias major 282 A: (Hippias:) I, however, am in the habit of praising the ancients and our predecessors rather than the men of the present day, and more greatly, as a precaution against the envy of the living and through fear of the wrath of those who are dead.


8. Plato, Hippias major 286 A-B: And by Zeus, Socrates, I have just lately gained reputation there by telling about noble or beautiful pursuits, recounting what those of a young man should be. For I have a very beautiful discourse composed about them, well arranged in its words and also in other respects. And the plan of the discourse, and its beginning, is something like this: After the fall of Troy, the story goes that Neoptolemus asked Nestor what the noble and beautiful pursuits were, by following which a young man would become most famous; so after that we have Nestor speaking and suggesting to him very many lawful and most beautiful pursuits.

Cf. Philostratus Lives of the Sophists p. 210, 5 K.: There is also a Trojan Dialogue by him, whose content is the following: In the conquered Troy Nestor teaches Neoptolemos, the son of Achilles, through which one shows himself to be a virtuous man. Cf. above 1 n.; Isocr. 1.12, 13.3; Xen. anab. 2.6.16 and 18.


9. Plato, Hippias minor 364 C: (Hippias:) For I say that Homer made Achilles the bravest man of those who went to Troy, and Nestor the wisest, and Odysseus the wiliest.

On the groups of three heroes see above, A III 7, as well as B XIX 10.


10. Plato, Hippias minor 368 C-D: And in addition you (Hippias) said that you brought with you poems, both epics and tragedies and dithyrambs, and many writings of all sorts composed in prose; and that you were there excelling all others in knowledge of the arts of which I was speaking just now, and of the correctness of rhythms and harmonies and letters, and many other things besides, as I seem to remember; and yet I forgot your art of memory, as it seems, in which you think you are most brilliant.

The title of a collection of many writings of all sorts is transmitted as Synagoge (collection) in Athenaeus XIII 609 a.


11. Plato, Hippias major 285 C-D: (Socrates:) Then perhaps (the Spartans wish to learn from you) those matters that you of all men know best how to discuss concerning the value of letters and syllables and rhythms and harmonies?

Cf. Dialexeis 5.11: I for my part think that meanings become different not so much through the addition of some new subject matter but through a change in accentuation, as in 勞梭硃羶釵喝莽 and 眶梭硃喝域籀莽, 喘獺紳喧堯棗莽 and 單硃紳喧堯籀莽, 喘棗繳喧堯棗莽 and 單棗喝喧堯籀莽. These words change their meaning by changing the stress; others by being spoken longer or shorter, like 啦繳娶棗莽 and 喧喝娶籀莽, 莽獺域棗莽 and 莽硃域籀莽; yet others through switching of letters: kartos and kratos (of the head), onos and noos. See also Aristoph. Clouds 636 f., Plato Crat. 424 C, Xen. mem. 4.4.7.


12. Aristotle, Poetics 1461 a21: By intonation also (one must resolve); for example, the resolutions of Hippias of Thasos, his 帤廔煎棒諺樁舒 帤廔 怷廒晦 and 廔 弮廔統 怷廔 庥帢帢廔銜裕舜帢庣 廔弮帣彃.

Some have doubted whether these words really refer to our Hippias (cf. Friedel p. 159 f.).


13. Aristotle, Sophistic refutations 4, p. 166 b1: It is hard to phrase sentences against prosody, as far as dialectics without writing is concerned; it is easier, on the other hand, to do so in writings and poems. For example, some correct Homers text as a response to those who berate him for his allegedly irregular 廔 弮廔統 怷廔 庥帢帢廔銜裕舜帢庣 廔弮帣彃. They resolve it through prosody by pronouncing the 怷 more sharply. And regarding Agamemnons dream, that it was not Zeus himself who said 帤廔煎棒諺樁舒 帤廔 怷廒 庰廔怷 廒廔剴庛帢庣, but commanded the dream to give it.

Cf. the notes of the scholiasts ad loc.


14. Xenophon, Symposion 4.62 (to Antisthenes): I know also that you introduced Callias to Hippias the Elean, from whom he got his memory system.

Cf. above A V 52; Plat. Hipp. mai. 285 E (Hippias): I can remember and repeat fifty words from hearing them once. Ammianus Marc. 16.5.8; Dialexeis 9: Memory is said to be the most important and most honorable invention, and it is useful in every respect: wisdom, ones life etc. This last passage has been restored to Hippias, after Duemmler, by H. Gomperz p. 179.


15. Stobaeus 3.42.10: From Plutarch in his book On Slander: Hippias says that slander is a fearsome thing, and he calls it that because there is not even a penalty written down in the law for slanderers as there is for thieves, yet they steal the best of all possessions, friendship. Consequently, wanton violence, albeit criminal, is more just than slander because it is not hidden.

From the last sentence it is apparent that the passage is not about the so-called slander (diabole) in the orators, which in court proceedings was done openly. In another citation from Plutarch (3.38.32) Stobaeus reports that Hippias likewise distinguished two types of envy.