

(Jac怷by FGrHist. 71, Blass II2 373 sq. Udalr. Friedlaender, De Z怷ilo aliisque Homeri obtrectatoribus. Diss. Regimonti 1895.)

1. Dion. Hal. de Isaeo 20, p. 123, 14 sq. p怷st Thrasymachum: 廔 帤廔 帢廔廔 庥帢廔 庰廔 庣巹怷 庥帢廔 庰廔 巹弇怷 庣 廒彖 庰廒區庰彃彖 廒怷庣, 弇廔棒 廔怷彖 怷彃 帢帢庥彃庣 彃 廒弮庢彖庰巹帢 帤庣帢弇弇峎怷庣彖 廒弇弇峸弇彖.

Ab eodem antea enumerati erant (p. 122, 23 sq.) 廒彖庣彃僇 庰 廔 彃疥敖樁諄諫庣怷 庥帢廔 帢弮帢怷 廔 帢弇庢帤彖庣怷 庥帢廔 怷弇庥峎庢 廔 廒庛庢彖帢彃怷 庣巹帢 庰 廔 彃僇 庣峎庥怷彖帢 廒徆帢, deinde singuli eorum characteres describuntur. Cf. eiusdem de Demosth. 8, p. 143, 6 Us.-R., ubi 廒彖庣彃僇賤 庥帢廔 庰帤怷 庥帢廔 怷弇庥峎庢 廒裒帢彃 庰 庥帢廔 廒彖帢徆庣弮峟彖庢 iuxta ponuntur. Eundem esse rhetorem sophistam et decantatum illum 廔弮庢怷弮峎庣帠帢, cuius imprimis in scholiis Homericis memoria mansit, Spengel negaverat, nunc consentiunt omnes. Schol. Ioann. Tsets. ad Exeg. in Iliad. p. 125 H.: 廔 巹弇怷 怷廔 廒庣彖 廔 廔弮庢怷弮峎庣徆 庥帢弇怷弮庰彖怷... 庥帢廔 廔 弮廔統 峉庣庥庰弇庣庢 庣帤怷 (fr. inc. 1) 廔裕 巹弇怷彖 怷彃羊怷彖 怷廔帤廔統 廒庰怷彖 廒庣 帠庰帠帢峟彖帢庣 庢庣彖 廒 廔棒 庥帢庛宎 廔弮峸怷... 彖帢徆庣彖... 怷廒 帤廔 怷彃 庰廔帤怷庥巹弮怷庣 怷彃羊怷彖 彖峎怷庣 彃用晅怷庣彖. Scripsisse eum 廔 庥帢庛宎 廔弮峸怷 帠弮彖帢巹帢 廒彖庰庥帢 contendit Porphyrii Schol. B Il. K 274. Ceterum de Zoili vita et scriptis quae exstant testimonia plerumque ad 廔弮庢怷弮峎庣帠帢 pertinentia diligenter collegit U. Friedlaender loco supra indicato p. 6 sq., 庥帢帢帤怷弮廔棒 弇峎彖怷 Zoilo tribuit Dion. Hal. ad Pomp. Gem. II p. 222, 12, p. 226, 10 sq. Us.-R., Suda 庥帢廔 廒裒怷庥峎怷 怷彃 彃用晅o怷 libellum. At 怷彃 廒裒怷庥帢庣庥怷彃 帤庣帤帢庥帢弇(庰巹怷) eum fuisse Porphyrius in scholio Iliadis supra laudato dicit.



2. Phoebamm怷n 庰廔 庢弮峎彖 W VIII, p. 493, 15: 廔巹庤庰帢庣 帤廔 巹弇怷 怷廔繚 彃弮峎 廒庣彖, 廒庰怷彖 弮廔統 怷怷庣庰彃庛帢庣, 廒庰怷彖 帤廔 弇峟帠庰庣彖.

3 廒庰彖 庣 alii codd., 廒庰怷彖 帤峟 庣 Spengel

Cf. Anaximenes 21 p. 57, 14 H. Alexander 庰廔 庢弮峎彖 III 22, 30, Zonaeus III 164, 12 Sp., Aquila Romanus 24, 21 H., Iulius Ruf. 38, 3 H., Mart. Cap. 478, 1 H. al. Alium esse Zoilum eumque iuniorem huius definitionis auctorem putat Blass II2 375, vix recte.


3. Quint. inst. 9, 1, 14: verum id ipsum anguste Zoilus terminavit, qui id solum putaverit schema, quo aliud simulatur dici quam dicitur, quod sane vulgo quoque sic accipi scio, unde et figuratae controversiae quaedam, de quibus post paulo dicam, vocantur.

1 Zoilus: theodulus in ras. A2 2 qui id: quod A

Recte hic 彃僇 廒庢弮帢庣弮峟彖彖 弇帠彖 initium esse Quintilianus monet, cf. etiam Aristot. rhet. 1399 a 29: (怷) 廒弇弇怷, 廒庰庣帤廔 怷廔 帢廔廔 帢彖庰彃剿 廒帢庣彖怷彃羊庣 庥帢廔 廒帢彖彃剿, 廒弇弇廔 帢彖庰彃剿 弮廔統 廔 帤巹庥帢庣帢 庥帢廔 廔 庥帢弇廔 廒帢庣彖怷彃羊庣 弮峎弇庣帢, 廒匿棒脊噫 帤廔 廔 弮峟怷彖帢 弮彄僇銜銜諺 帣怷弇怷彖帢庣, quod, quatenus 廒庣庰庣峸弮帢庣 materiam dat, Theodoro tribuimus. Ceterum cf. Volkmann, Rhet.2 p. 121, Barczat 20 sq.



4. Schol. A Il. A 129 (ex Herodian怷): 巹弇怷 帤廔 廔 廒弮庣怷弇巹庢 庥帢廔 峓庣怷 廔 峉庣庥廔裒 怷弇怷庣庥巹庤庰庣彖 怷廒棒諺誕帢庣 廔裕 怷庣庢廔棒 廒彖廔 廒彖庣庥怷彃 弇庢庛彖庣庥彃 庢峎弮庰彖怷彖 彃用晌樁救庣繚 廔 帠廔區 帤彃煙庣, 帢巹, 弇庢庛彖庣庥彖.

Cf. B III 7 = Aristot. Soph. el. 165 b 12 sq.


5. Schol. in Platonis Hipparchum 229 D: 巹弇怷 廒彖 彃 庰廒區 怷弇庢弮怷彖 廒帠庥弮巹彃麻 怷廔 帠廔區 廔﹡樁諺割誕弮彖庢帢彖 怷廒 庛庰怷廔 庰廔 彃 庣弮巹帢 帢庢, 廔甩庰 峎彖怷庛庰彖 廔帤庰廔磁 峟 廔 彃割剿弮庰彖怷 庥帢廔 廔區 彖帢彃羊 廒庥庰帢巹怷 庰庣怷庣怷弮庰彖怷 庰庣庛庢 弮庰廔 廔棒 廒廔匿 廔廔 彃 廒庛庢彖彄剿.

怷庣帢廔 怷庰巹庣帤帢 庥帢廔 怷弇峸弮怷 廒帢庣彖怷彃缶誕庰 dum increpantur a Philodemo rhet. I 216, 19 S., iuxta Polycratem oilus intellegendus.


6. Strab. VI 271 C: 廒弇庰庣廔裕 帤廔 巹弇怷 廔 彃用晅 廒彖 彃 T庰彖庰帤巹彖 廒帠庥弮巹彃 庢廔僇 廒庥 峇庰彖峟帤怷 彃用菲彖, 廔 廔裕 廔弮庢怷彖 峟帠彖 廔+ 弮庛怷帠峎怷彖.

Tenediorum encomium 帢巹帠彖庣怷彖 fuisse iudicat Blass II2 374. Floruisse hoc genus, postquam inventum est, docent etiam Herculis laudes, quales Caucalus rhetor, Theopompi frater, composuit secundum Athenaeum 412 b. Cf. G. Fraustadt, Encomiorum hist. Diss. Leipz. 1905. Plutarchi regum et imp. apophth. 192 C (Apophth. Lac. 217 D/E).


XXXV. Zoilus



1. Dionysius of Halicarnassus, On Isaeus: One could say the same things [as about Thrasymachus] about Kritias and Zoilus, except that they differ from one another in the characteristics of the elocution.

The same author also lists the following earlier (p. 122, 23 f.): Antiphon of Rhamnus, Thrasymachus of Chalcedon, Polycrates of Athens and Critias the leader of the Thirty, and then the character of each is described. See also On Demosthenes by the same author 8, p. 143, 6 Us.-R., where Antiphon [因, Theodorus, Polycrates, Isaeus and Anaximenes are named besides each other. Spengel rejected the proposition that the sophistic rhetorician and the famous, widely praised Homers scourge, who is attested mainly in the Homeric Scholia, are the same person; today, however, everybody agrees that they are. Schol. Ioann. Tsets. ad Exeg. in Iliad. p. 125 H.: This Zoilus is the one called Homers scourge [因 While Diodorus of Sicily (fr. inc. 1) writes that this Zoilus had not yet written anything except the composition against Homer [因, others list him among the famous rhetoricians. Porphyrius Schol. B Il. K 274 maintains that he wrote the works against Homer for the sake of practice. U. Friedlaender in the abovementioned book, p. 6 sq., has collected the testimonies on Zoilus life and writings, which mainly refer to him as Homers scourge. An Attack on Plato is attributed to Zoilus by Dion. Hal. To Pompeius Geminus II p. 222, 12, p. 226, 10 f. Us.-R.; the booklet Against the Rhetorician Isocrates is attributed to him by Suda. Yet Porphyrius in the abovementioned Scholium on the Iliad claims that he was of Isocrates school.


2. Phoebammon, On Figures: Zoillus defines it thusly: A figure is pretending to say one thing and saying another.

Cf. Anaximenes 21 p. 57, 14 H.; Alexander On Tropes 3.22.30; Zonaeus 3.164.12 Sp.; Aquila Romanus 24, 21 H.; Iulius Ruf. 38, 3 H.; Mart. Cap. 478, 1 H. and others. Blass II2 375 claims that the author of this definition was another Zoilus, one younger than ours; this is hardly correct.


3. Quintilian 9.1.4: Zoilus defined this matter narrowly: He only regarded as a figure what says something different from what it seems to be saying at the surface, which I know is also the common view. This has given the so-called figured controversies their name; I will speak about them in a moment.


Quintilian correctly points out that this is the beginning of the formalized speeches, cf. also Aristotle Rhetoric 1399 a 29: Another topos, since because they do not praise the same things openly or covertly, but they praise openly mostly what is just and honorable, but in private they rather seek what is advantageous, which I attribute to Theodorus to the extent that it provides material for a dialectical proof. See also Volkmann, Rhet.2 p. 121; Barczat 20 f.


4. Scholion A on Iliad 1.129: Zoilus from Amphipolis and Chrysippus the Stoic think that the poet is committing a syntactic error by using the plural instead of the singular: They say that 餃繫勳莽勳 is plural.

Cf. B III 7 = Arist. Soph. El. 165b12-


5. Scholion on Platos Hipparchos: Zoilus writes in his Praise of Polyphemus: The gods were so much in agreement about this punishment that Odysseus, who hitherto had managed to get out of every situation and to keep his ships unharmed, was suffered by Athena [to come to harm].

When the sophists praising Bousirises and Polyphemuses are badmouthed by Philodemus On Rhetoric 1.216, 19 S., we must understand Zoilus besides Polycrates.


6. Strabo: Zoilus the rhetorician says in his Praise of Tenedos that the Alpheios flows out of Tenedos, he who blames Homer as a writer of myths.

Blass II2 374 thinks that the praise of Tenedos was a trifle. That this genre flourished after it was invented is clear also from the praises of Hercules such as were written by the rhetorician Caucalus, Theopompuss brother, according to Athenaeus 412 b. Cf. G. Fraustadt, Encomiorum hist., Diss. Leipz. 1905; Plutarch, Sayings of Kings and Commanders 192 C (Spartan Sayings 217 D/E)