

1. Sud. lex. s. v.: 峖庣弇巹庥怷 M庣弇峸庣怷 彃用晅, 廒裒怷庥峎怷 廒庥怷廔棲 怷彃 彃用晅怷怷. 廒帠峟彖庰怷 帤廔 庰怷彖 帢廔弇庢廔棲 帢帢帤怷徆帢怷, 帤庣廔 庥帢廔 帢廔弇怷庢彖 廒裒怷庥峎庢 帢廔廔裕 廒庥峎弇庰庣. 帠峟帠帢帢庣 帤廔 帢廔彃 峎帤庰繚 M庣弇庢庣帢庥, 廒弮庣庥怷彖庣庥, 峇峟彖庢 彃用煙怷庣庥廔 廒彖 帣庣帣弇巹怷庣 帣, 5 廒裒怷庥峎怷 廒怷峎庰庣 (廒帢庣 codd.).





Isocratis discipulus sec. vitam Is. (Or. Att. II 4 b 26, p. 257 Westerm.), De Isocrate ipso a comoedis 帢弇怷庢 dicto veterum exstat memoria (Meineke, Com. Frg. II 764). Inter technographos Philiscus memoratur etiam a Dionysio Hal. ad Ammaeum p. 259, 5 sq., Isocratis imitator dicitur ab eodem de Isaeo p. 122, 12 sq. et a Cicerone de or. 2, 23, 94. Timaei eum et Neanthis fuisse magistrum tradunt complures. De aetate eius cf. [Plut.] Vit. 峓 or. (Lysiae) 836 c: 廒怷巹庢庰 帤廔 庥帢廔 庰廒區 帢廔怷彖 廒巹帠帢弮弮帢 峖庣弇巹庥怷 廔 廒裒怷庥峎怷 弮廔統 帠彖庣弮怷, 廒帢彃怷 帤廔 巹怷, 帤庣宎 怷廔 帢彖庰彖, 廔+ 怷峟弇帢帣庰 怷彃 廒庰庣彖, 廔 庥帢廔 廒庥 彃僇 廔廔 弇峎彖怷 庰廒區庢弮峟彖彖 廒怷帤庰巹庥彖帢庣. 廒庰庣 帤宎 怷廔

<彖彃缶>, 廔 帢弇弇庣庢 庛帠帢庰, 怷弇峸帠怷庰 峖彖庣,

帤庰巹徆庰庣 庰廒 庣 怷彖庰彃 庥帢巹 庣 庰庣廔裕 廒庰庣.

廔裕 帠廔區 廒 廒弇弇怷 彃弮帢 弮庰庛帢弮怷庛峟彖帢 庥帢廔 廒弇弇怷庣

廒彖 庥弮怷庣庣 帣巹怷 彃僇樁 弇帢帣彖庛宎 廒庰怷彖


帤庰彃 宎 廒庰彃 庥峸庥帢 庰庥庰彃彖 庣彖帢 巹彄 廔弮彖怷彖

帤彃剿帢 庥帢帢庛庣弮峟彖彃 庥帢廔 峟怷 廒庛峎彖帢怷彖,

廔 宎 廒弮彃 彃 帤庰巹徆帢庣 庣弇峟帢庣怷彖 廒帢庣

庥帢廔 廔棒 怷彃 庛庣弮峟彖怷 彄剿庣 帣怷怷彃 廒庰峸彖.

V. F. Solmsen, RE. XIX 2, 2384 sq. Blass II2 453.

1 帢弇弇巹庢... 怷彖巹帤庣                      5 廒區怷庥峎庢 (et postea 峟庥怷庣) minus feliciter Drerup. 5/6 弇庣帤峎弮彖怷彖 帤彖帢 庥帢帢庛庣弮峟彖彖 庥帢廔 彃 廒庛峎彖帢怷彖


XXXII. Philiscus

1. (a) Suda on Philiscus: he was an orator from Miletus, who learned from Isocrates the orator. However, he first became a most excellent flute-player, which is why Isocrates would call him flute-borer. He wrote the following works: On Miletus, On the Amphictyonic League, On Rhetoric in two books and Isocrates Sentences. (b) Pseudo-Plutarch, Lives of the Ten Orators, Lysias: Philiscus, an acquaintance of Isocrates and friend of Lysias, wrote a poem to the latter, from which it is clear that Lysias was older, which is also made clear by what Plato writes. [There follows a poem on Lysias death.]

A student of Isocrates according to the Vita of Isocrates (Or. Att. 2.4 b 26, p. 257 Westerm.). On Isocrates himself being called flute-borer by the comedians we have ancient sources (Meineke, Com. Frg. 2.764). Philiscus is named among the writers of treatises also by Dion. Hal. To Ammaeus p. 259, 5 f.; he is said to be an imitator of Isocrates by this same Isaeus p. 122, 12 f. and by Cicero de orat. 2.23.94. Many report that he was the teacher of Timaeus and Neanthes. On the time of his life cf. [Plut.] Life of the Ten Orators (Lysias) 836 c: There is an epigram to him by Philiscus, an acquaintance of Isocrates and companion of Lysias, which makes clear that he was more advanced in years. This is also evident from a passage by [the comedian] Plato, which runs as follows:

Now, daughter of Kalliope, talkative Phrontis,

You will show if you have some sense and have something beyond.

For he who has changed into another form and in other

Everyday clothing has assumed another body

You need to give birth to some poem, announcer of virtue,

As a gift for the dead Lysias and immortal crown

A poem that would show everyone the love of friends in my soul

And all mortals the virtue of the dead man.


See F. Solmsen, RE XIX 2.2384 f.; Blass 22 453.