

(Jac怷by FGrHist. 72, Usener, Quaest. Anaxim. 6 sq., Blass II2 378 sq.)

1. Dion. Hal. Isaei I p. 122, 3 Us.-R.: 廒彖帢徆庣弮峟彖庢彖 帤廔 廔裕 帢弮帢庥庢彖廔裕 廒彖 廒峎帢庣 弮廔統 帢彃 廒匿棒倀敖圖 彃僇 弇帠彖 庰峎帠彖彖 庣彖帢 庰廒僇諄敖 帣怷弇弮庰彖怷彖 (庥帢廔 帠廔區 廒救怷巹帢 帠峟帠帢庰 庥帢廔 庰廔 怷彃 怷庣庢怷彃 彖峎徆庰庣 庥帢帢弇峟弇怷庣庰 庥帢廔 峟彖帢 廒徆庰彖峸彖怷庰彖, 廒彷帢庣 帤廔 庥帢廔 弮帣怷弇庰庣庥彃僇 庥帢廔 帤庣庥帢彖庣庥彃僇 廒帠彖彖), 怷廔 弮峟彖怷庣 峟弇庰庣彖 帠庰 廒彖 怷廔帤庰弮庣彄 怷彖 彃僇 廒匿棒菲蕊彖 廒弇弇宎 廒庛庰彖彃 庥帢廔 廒巹庛帢彖怷彖 廔彖帢 廒彖 廒峎帢庣 庛庰彃僇.

Inter Isocratem et Alcidamanta positus 帢帢帠帠庰弇弮峎彖 庰彖庣庥彃僇 帠帠帢庰廔磁 庥帢廔 廒帠彖庣廔棲 弇帠彖 彃用煙怷庣庥彃僇 a Dionysio nominatur ad Amm. 2, I p. 259, 3 sq. 廒彖帢徆庣弮峟彖庢 aliique eiusdem aetatis 怷廔庛廔統 怷廔庰 庥帢庣彖廔裕 怷廔庰 庰庣庰廔裕 廒庰峸帤庰帢彖 sec. eundem de Dem. p. 143, 7 sq.


2. Paus. VI 18 (3) 5: 廒庰庥庰庣 弮廔統 帢廔廔裒 怷庣廔棲 庥帢廔 怷庣彃僇 弇帠怷 弮庣弮庰彃庛帢庣 (sc. 廒彖帢徆庣弮峟彖庢) (6) 怷廔 弮廔棒 怷廔帤廔 庰廒區庰彃彖 庣 帢廔怷庰帤巹 廒彖帢徆庣弮峟彖怷 庰 廒庣彖 庰廔庢庥.

Artis verba p. 85, 20 (38 p. 99, 9 H.) 彖庰庛巹庤庰庣彖 帢廔怷廔磁 怷怷庣 廒帢庣彖 廒徆 廒怷巹弮怷 彃庛帢庣 confert Usener l. l. p. 21.


3. Philod. rhet. II p. 254, 20 S.: 廒弇弇] 廔帢彖 帤廔 弇峟帠庣彖 廔甩庰 廒彖帢徆庣弮峟彖庢, 廔+ 怷廔庥 廒彖 怷庰 怷彃帢彖 怷彃 彃用煙怷庣庥怷彃 廒帠庣怷彖 帤庣帤彖庰, 庰廒 弮廔 廔 帤庢弮庢帠怷庰彃彖 庥帢廔 帤庣庥怷弇怷帠庰彃彖 [廒庥 彃] 峟彖庢 帢廔彃僇 [庰庣庰]帠巹彖庰怷 庰弇庰巹, [廒彖帢]峟怷彖帢庣 帢峟[].

Cf. Philod. I p. 31, 3: 庰廒 弮廔 峟彖庢彖 弮[庰庛]帤庰怷彖 廔[庛彃剿, 怷廔怷] 廒彖 怷弇弇怷廔 [怷]彃庰帢彖 帢廔[怷]彃[] 弮庣庛怷廔磁 帤庣帤彖庰.


4. Ibid. II p. 165, 22 S.: 弇庰巹庰[宎] 怷廔彖 廒帤庰庣[徆庣,] 帤庣 廒彷 廒彖帢徆庣弮峟彖庢 [廒帢]庥庰 [廔 弇]弇帠庣弮帢... (28) 廔甩庛宎 怷廔怷 弮[峎弇庣帢 帤彖]帢帢庣 庰巹庛庰庣彖 [庥帢峎 帠庰] 怷彃羊怷彖 廔 彃用晅, 怷廔 [廒庣 廔?] 庥帢庛弇怷.


5. Hypoth. Isocr. Hel.: 帣峟弇庣怷彖 帤廔 弇峟帠庰庣彖, 廔甩庰 廔 帢峎彖, 廔庣 廔裒 廒彖帢徆庣弮峟彖庢彖 廔裕 帢弮帢庥庢彖廔裕 帠峎庰庣. 峟庰帢庣 帤廔 廒庥庰巹彖怷 弇帠怷, 廒弇峟彖庢 廒怷弇怷帠巹帢 弮彄僇銜銜諺 怷廔帢 廒反庰 廒帠庥弮庣怷彖.


6. Philod. rhet. I p. 215, 1 S.: 庰廒 弮峟彖怷庣 帠庰 彃僇 庛庰彃僇 庥帢廔 彃僇 廒+彖 廒帠庥弮庣帢 帤彖帢庛帢庣 怷庣庰彃彖 廒帢帠帠峟弇弇怷彖帢庣, 彃僇 帤宎 廒彖庛彖 怷廔磁 弮廔統 庰廔弇怷帠庰彃彖, 怷廔磁 帤廔 帤庢弮庰彃彖 庥帢廔 怷廔磁 帢廔怷, 廔帢彖 [怷]峟弇彖帢庣, 怷庣庰彃彖 廒庥峎[庰]怷彖, 廒︴弮]庰彃 []峸怷弮庰彖, ]廔剿 怷彃 庥帢廔 廒彖帢庣庛峸彖 怷廔 怷廒煎諺 廒弇帠彖 庤彖 帢廔怷廔磁 廒帠庥弮庣帢 庰[怷庣]庢庥峟彖帢庣, 帤庣庣 庛庰彃僇 弮廔統 怷廔帤庰廔剿 怷廔帤宎 廒+彖 廒帠庥弮巹怷 帤庰彃帢[庣] 怷彃 帢宎 廒彖庛彖, 廒庣彖 庰 廔匿 廒弇帢怷彖 帢廔彃僇 庥帢廔 廔 庥帢帢庰庛峟彖, 廒庰峟帢怷彖 帤廔 廔 帠庰庣彖弮庰彖怷彖 廔廔 彃僇 怷庣彃僇. 帤庣廔 庥帢廔 弇峟帠怷庣彖 廒庣怷峟弇庢彖 廒 庣彖帢 弮峟彖怷庣 廔裒 廒彖帢徆庣弮峟彖庢彖 廒 庣彖帢 帤峸怷宎 庰廒區庰彃彖 彃僇 怷庣彃僇 庰廒棲庰 廒[]峟弮庣帤怷 庰廒棲宎 廒庛庢彖彄剿 廒帠庥弮庣怷彖 帠峎帢彖帢 庥帢廔 庰弮彖彖弮庰彖怷彖繚 怷廔庥 怷廒棒舒 帠峎, 庰廒區[庰彃]彖, 廒峎彖 怷宎 廒庣 帠峟彖庢帢庣 彃僇 庛庰彃僇 廔+ []庰怷彖, 廒庰彃彖 廔棒 廒怷帤庰巹庢彖繚 庥帢弇廔裕 帠廔區 廒帠庥弮庣彖 怷 庥帢廔 廔 帤庰彃彖帢 廒怷巹庢庰彖;



7. Stob. Fl怷r. 宎 XXXVIII 45 (III p. 718 H.): 怷彃 帢廔怷彃 (i. e. 廒彖帢徆庣弮峟彖怷) 廔怷庣 帠廔區 廔 庥帢弇彃剿 彃用煎裕倀誕帢 廒 帢庛峟彖帢 帤庣廔 庛彖怷彖 怷廔庥 廒帢庣彖怷彃羊庣, 彃剿 怷廔怷庣 廒彖 怷彃 廒帠怷庣 廔庰弇峸庰庣帢彖;

Putes <怷彃 弇帠怷庣 廒> 怷彃 廒帠怷庣. Ex aliquo encomio, ut videtur.


8. St怷b. Fl怷r. 宎 L 91 (V p. 1055 H.): 廒彖帢徆庣弮峟彖怷繚 怷彃 帠廔區 廒庰巹怷庣 庰帣帢庣, 廔怷彖 帢廒 庥帢廔 廔 彃僇樁 廒﹡棒諺諄晨蓿 廒怷弮帢帢巹彖怷彖帢庣, 怷怷彃羊怷彖 帢廒 庰廔 怷廔磁 弇帠怷 廒庣庛弮巹帢庣 峎弇庣彖 帢廔徆怷彖帢庣, 庥帢廔 怷怷彃 帣庰帣帢庣庰怷彖 帢廔怷彃 帢峟庰庣 廔 弇峟帠庰庣彖 庣 峸庣弮怷彖 5 怷彃 廒弇弇怷庣 庥帢廔 帢宎 廒峟彖 帢廔怷廔磁 廒庥怷庰庣彖繚 廔甩庰 廔區 弮廔統 廒廔 彃僇 帣彃僇 庥帢廔 怷彃僇 庥帢廔 廒怷帤庣巹彖 廒﹡棒諺賦蔑 帠庣彖怷弮峟彖帢 廒匿棒菲彖 廒庣彖 怷廔 怷廔 庰廒區 廔 帢帢彃弮帢 庰廔帢庣彖怷帢 廔+ 廔庰怷彖 弇怷帢繚 廒 帤廔 庰廔 怷廔磁 弇帠怷 廒﹡棒諺賦蓬 庥帢廔 弮峎庛庢庣 廒彖 庰 彃 帢帢巹庥帢 庰廔帢巹彖庰庣 庥帢廔 廔裒 廔裕 廒弇弇怷彖 帣巹怷彖 怷廔磁 弮帢彖庛峎彖怷彖帢 廒﹡棒倔 10 帢帢庥庰峎庰庣.

4 帢峟庰庣 sc. 廔 帠彃帢             5 帢廔怷彃 M     6 alterum 庥帢廔 om. A              9 帤庣峎帠庰庣彖 廒﹡棒倔 MA

Cf. Plato rei p. 328 D, Aristot. rhet. 1389 b 13 sq.

9. Quint. inst. 3, 4, 9: Anaximenes iudicialem et contionalem generalis partes esse voluit, septem autem species: hortandi, dehortandi, laudandi, vituperandi, accusandi, defendendi, exquirendi, quod 廒徆庰帢庣庥彖 dicit: quarum duae primae deliberativi, duae sequentes demonstrativi, tres ultimae iudicialis generis sunt partes.

Hoc testimonio usus primus P. Victorius rhetoricam ad Alexandrum, vulgo Aristoteli tributam, Anaximenis esse coniecit.


XXXVI. Anaximenes


1. Dionysius of Halicarnassus, On Isaeus p. 122.3: [Isaeus] observed that Anaximenes of Lampsacus, while he wanted to be accomplished in every form of composition (for he wrote history, left behind treatises on Homer, published on rhetorical theory and also participated in political and forensic debates), he nevertheless became fulfilled in none of these forms, but was weak and unconvincing in all of them.

Dion. Hal. To Ammonius 2.1 p. 259, 3 f. names a writer of teaching treatises and competitor in rhetorical speeches inserted between Isocrates and Alcidamas. The same author On Demosthenes p. 143, 7 f. reports that Anaximenes and others among his contemporaries did not practice anything new or outstanding.


2. Pausanias 6.18.(3)6: He had a natural aptitude for rhetoric and for imitating the style of rhetoricians. [因 Moreover, Anaximenes was the first to compose extemporary speeches.

Usener ibid. p. 21 compares the words of the treatise p. 85.20 (38 p. 99.9 H.): they accustomed themselves to making use of all these things on the spot.


3. Philodemus, On Rhetoric p. 254.20: But when they make the same claim as Anaximenes, that people did not use to approach orators offering money unless their speaking in public or in court came out perfectly due to their art, they are grossly mistaken.



4. Ibid. p. 165.22: There remains only the exposition, though which Anaximenes claimed happens the summary [因 so that, according to this author, that orator can persuade best who masters the whole.


5. Hypothesis to Isocrates Helena: It is more accurate to say, as does Machaon, that [Isocrates] is writing in rivalry against Anaximenes of Lampsacus. A speech by the latter is known that is a defense of Helena rather than a praise.

6. Philodemus, Rhetoric p. 215.1: If they proclaim that they are able to write praises of gods and heroes and, as far as humans are concerned, to praise some and denigrate others and that they can do either thing to the same people when they so desire, we shall say the following (apart from the fact that they wrote praises, not just for brute animals, but for inanimate objects): None of the gods or heroes needs to be praised by a human, and even all of what hits the mark is less than they are; so what the sophists have done is totally inappropriate. This is why Aristotle, or whoever that was, is said to have said to Anaximenes, or whoever else that was, who had written a praise of either Artemis or Athena and took great pride in it: Dont you know that, should there arise a strife among gods as in the past, Aphrodite will say: Nice praise of yours that gut wrote!


7. Stobaeus, Anthology: From the same author [Anaximenes]: All those who do not praise good words or actions out of envy how would these people be useful through actions?

You would expect through <words or> actions. Apparently these words stem from some encomium.


8. Ibid.: From Anaximenes: The more the bodily pleasures of cultivated old people vanish, the stronger their desires relating to speech grow again and the more likely [1] [their age] makes it for them to say something of use to others and to have such things said to them by others. So the pleasures coming from eating and drinking and sexual lust can be seen not so much to make one happy in the present moment as to cause pain afterwards; the pleasure relate to the art of speaking and the learning of it both cause joy in the present and make those who learn it happy for the rest of their life.




9. Quintilian 3.4.9: Anaximenes claimed that the judicial and the deliberative were general parts, and the kinds were seven: exhortation, dissuasion, praise, blame, accusation, defense, inquiry, which he calls exetastikon. The first two are parts of the deliberative genre, the following two of the demonstrative, the last three of the judicial.

Based on this testimony, P. Victorius surmised for the first time that Anaximenes was the author of the Rhetoric to Alexander, which was generally attributed to Aristotle.




[1] Literally: stable, reliable.