

(Vide praeterea A V 1 sq.)

1. Diog. Laert. VIII 57: 廒庣怷峟弇庢 帤廔 廒彖 彃 峉怷庣彃 (fr. 65) 庢庣 彃剿怷彖 廒弮庰帤怷庥弇峟帢 彃用煙怷庣庥廔棒 庰廔庰彃彖.

            Cf. supra p. 13. Pergit Diogenes 廒彖 帤廔 彃 庰廔 怷庣庢彃僇 庢庣彖, 廔庣 庥帢廔 廔弮庢庣庥廔裒 廔 廒弮庰帤怷庥弇彃 庥帢廔 帤庰庣彖廔裒 庰廔 廔棒 峎庣彖 帠峟帠怷彖庰, 弮庰帢怷庣庥 庰 廔卅 庥帢廔 怷彃 廒弇弇怷庣 怷彃 庰廔 怷庣庢庣庥廔棒 廒庣庰帠弮帢庣 弮庰彖怷. Futtilia sunt, quae Georgius Pletho de Empedoclis rhetorica narrat Rhet. Gr. W VI 587.9 sq., sed fabulosae huius historiae initia iam apud Satyrum conspiciuntur: Diog Laert. 8.58 庢廔 帤廔 峉峎怷 廒彖 怷彃 帣巹怷庣, 廔庣 庥帢廔 廒匿救廔裒 廒缶 庥帢廔 彃用晅 廒庣怷. 怷帠巹帢彖 帠怷彃缶 廔裕 庰怷彖彃彖怷彖 帢廔怷彃 帠庰彖峟庛帢庣 弮帢庛庢峸彖, v. infra B VII 2.


(see also A V 1ff.)

1. Diogenes Laertius 8.57: Aristotle in the Sophist [fr. 65] says that Empedocles was the first to invent rhetoric.

See above, p. 13. Diogenes continues as follows: In his book about poets he writes that Empedocles was Homer-like and very good at phrasing things, as he uses metaphors and all the others advantages of poetic diction. What Georgius Pletho recounts about Empedocless rhetoric (Rhet. Gr. W VI 587.9 f.) is worthless; however, we already see the beginning of those fanciful tales in Satyrus: Diog Laert. 8.58: Satyrus writes in his Vitae that he was also the best physician and orator, and that Gorgias of Leontini was his pupil. See below, B VII 2.