

1. Diog. Laert. V 6, 88: 彃用煙怷庣庥廔 帤峟繚 庰廔 怷彃 彃用煙怷庰庰庣彖 廒 帢帠帢.

Eiusdem extitisse 峟彖庢彖 彃用煙怷庣庥峸彖 a posterioribus ignoratam Barwickii argumentatio vel potius divinatio (Herm. 57, 40 sq.) persuadere mihi nullo modo potuit.


2. Antiphanes 廒彖 帢巹, Mein. frg. c怷m. Gr. III, p. 59 (Athen. 134 b):

怷廔 廔彄煙 廔怷弮庰彖怷彖

帢彃 庰廔 廔裕 帣峎庥庢弇怷彖, 怷廔帤宎 帢廒區彖庰帢庣

廔 廔裕 廒戕峎庥弇庰庣怷彖 彄剿庣彖 廒徆庢帠怷弮庰彖怷,

廔 廔棒 庰怷帤峟庥怷 弮彖怷 廒彖庰庢庥廔+ 峟彖庢彖,

廔 廔 庥庰峎弇帢庣帢 帠帠峎彖 廔庣巹帤彃.

Heraclidem Ponticum his versibus denotari Trendelenburg apud Meinekium l. l. demonstrare conatus est. Sed 庰怷帤峟庥怷 峟彖庢 non potest esse Aristotelis rhetorica Theodectea, v. infra s. v. 庰怷帤峟庥庢, ac vel ideo quod Euripides sequitur, tragicam artem Theodectae tangi probabile est, Heraclidis praeceptis nutritam. Nihil denique apud Meklerum in Indice Philosophorum Academicorum Hercul. repperi, quod ad Heraclidis rhetorican referri posset.

3. Philodem. 庰廔 怷庣庢弮峎彖, Pap. 1425 col. VII 11 (C Jensen, Herakleides vom Pontos bei Philodem und Horaz. Berl. S. B., phil. hist. Kl. 1936 XXIII 308) de Heraclide: 庥帢廔 [廔 廒﹡弼廔 庰 庰廔[庰]彃剿 廒弮[帢 庥帢廔 庰廒匿睡崧庣庥彃跋 峎]彖宎 廒彖 庰廒廂庢 庥怷庣彖廔 庥帢廔 怷]庣庢弮峎彖 庥帢廔 [弇]帠彖.

Poetae simplicis esse officium persuadere teste Philodemo idem Heraclides docuerat (ibd. col. VI 32). In poetica adhibet termin怷s, qu怷s in rhetorica valuisse scimus, velut 廔 彖弮 庥帢廔 廒彖帢帠彃剿, 怷弇庰弇彃剿, 廒弮帣庣庛彃剿, 弮廔 庰廔庰弇彃剿 (Jensen 302 sq.).


XXVII. Heraclides of Pontus

1. Diogenes Laertius 5.88 (on Heraclides' writings):  Rhetorical writings, On Public Speaking or On Protagoras.

In no way could I be persuaded by the arguments, or rather pure speculation, of Barwick (Herm. 57, 40 f.), according to which there was a techne rhetorike  by him that later authors ignored.


2. Antiphanes, Among the Carians: Dont you see the eunuch dancing on his hands, and he is not ashamed, he who explains Heraclitus to all is the only one who discovered Theodectus art, and writes the main points of Euripides plays.

Trendelenburg in Meineke ibid. has tried to prove that these verses refer to Heraclides Ponticus. But Theodectus techne' cannot be Aristotle's Theodectan rhetoric, see below s. v. Theodectes. Furthermore, since Euripides is named just afterward, it is likely that the reference is to Theodectes treatise on tragedy, which grew through Heraclides teachings. Finally, in the Index Philosophorum Academicorum Hercul. I found nothing that can be referred to Heraclides rhetoric.





3. Philodemus, On Poems: [Heraclides says that] from the point of view of pleasure, appropriateness and imagery, poems and speeches have everything in common.


According to Philodemus (ibid. col. VI 32) the same Heaclides taught that to persuade is the task of a simple poet. In the study of poetry he applies termini we know were important in rhetoric, that is, concisely and clearly, abundantly, gravely and not cheaply (Jensen 302 f.).