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Chapter 7 Small Number and the Old Totem Pole

My name is Small Number. This is a story that I’ve heard from my grandmother and that she heard from her grandmother. It is about an old totem pole built by my ancestors on a beach close to our village.

  • This story was written by Veselin Jungic (԰AV) and Mark MacLean (UBC)

  • The illustrations were created by Bethani L'Heureux

  • The American Sign Language (ASL) translation was completed by Dominique Ireland

  • The French translation was completed by Audrey Venner

  • The Gitxsan translation was completed by Jeanne Harris and Catherine Blackstock of the Gitxsan Nation

  • The Hul'q'umi'num translation was completed by Ruby Peter (Sti'tum'at)

  • The Squamish translation was completed by Setálten, Norman Guerrero Jr. of the Squamish Nation

  • The Spanish translation was completed by Laura López and Christian Rosete

  • The ձ’a translation was completed by Betty Wilson (Ochele) and Gail Blaney from the ձ’a Nation; Eva and Herman Francis from the Klahoose First Nation; Marianne Huijsmans, UBC; and Su Urbanczyk, UVic.

  • The Wet'suwet'en translation was completed by Rita George and Gary George of the Wet'suwet'en Nation. See Ի徱.1 for a glossary of words and phrases prepared by Gary George.