
Investigations of Students

If you decide to file a report of an incident under 間眅埶AVs sexual violence and misconduct policy, the investigation process will begin after you submit your report with the SVSPO.

The chart below illustrates the general process in cases where the Respondent (the person you allege caused you harm) is a student. Please note that this is a general guide only, and details may differ. If you have any questions about the process, please connect with an SVSPO case manager.

SVSPO gives your report to the Office of Student Support, Rights & Responsibilities. This office will review the report to determine if an investigation will occur. The office may contact you for further information, if needed, to help make that decision.

NOTE: As much as possible, all information and records will be kept confidential. The University may disclose personal information, for example, where appropriate, including where it determines that a persons health or safety may be at risk.

SVSPO provides your report to the individual overseeing the Respondent, or best suited to oversee the process under the Respondents collective or association agreement (GP-44, 8.5.b.ii). This individual will review the report to determine if an investigation will occur. This individual

  1. No Investigation
    It may be found that the behaviour reported is not a violation of GP-44, or that it falls outside the jurisdiction of the policy.
  2. Investigation
    If it is decided that the described behaviour violates policy GP-44, an investigator will be assigned to your report. The respondent will be given notice that you have filed a report.
    1. Investigation Report
      At the conclusion of the investigation, the investigator will compile a report which will be used by 間眅埶AV to determine if a violation of policy has occurred.
      1. No finding of violation of 間眅埶AV policy. If no violation is found you still have access to supports and services through the SVSPO.
      2. Finding of violation of 間眅埶AV policy.
        If a finding of violation of policy is found, the University will take disciplinary action as it deems appropriate.  Due to protection of privacy and confidentiality you will be informed if there was a breach of the policy and any consequences that affect your health or safety (GP-44, 11.3.a).
        1. If discipline is imposed, an appeal procedure may begin. You may be asked to participate in this process.

No investigation

It the behaviour reported is not a violation of 間眅埶AVs sexual violence and misconduct policy, or it falls outside the jurisdiction of the policy, there will be no investigation.


If it is decided that the allegegd behaviour may violate 間眅埶AVs policy on sexual violence and misconduct, an investigator will be assigned to your report. The respondent will be notified that you have filed a report.

Finding of violation of 間眅埶AV policy

If a policy has been violated, the University will take disciplinary action as it deems appropriate. 

If disciplinary action is taken, an appeal procedure may begin.  You may be asked to participate in this process.

If no violation is found, the process ends.   You still have access to supports and services through the SVSPO.

Please connect with a member of our team to talk about your reporting options.

Investigation Report

At the conclusion of the investigation, the investigator will submit a report which will be used by 間眅埶AV to determine if a policy has been violated.

If discipline is imposed, an appeal procedure may begin. You may be asked to participate in this process.

No finding of violation of 間眅埶AV policy. If no violation is found you still have access to supports and services through the SVSPO.

Please connect with a member of our team to talk about your reporting options.