
Welcome to InterroBang: the Print & Play Version

To mark the one year anniversary of InterroBang, we have developed a Print & Play version of the game for you to download and print & play at home. This version of the game includes updates to cards that were done to align with feedback we recieved from the 間眅埶AV and FIC communities over the last year.  

A Few Notes About Printing:

  • For the best quality possible, consider using a thicker paper stock, like card stock, for the InterroBang Level and Filter cards. This will ensure your cards will last longer and, if you choose to print in colour, the cards will hold the colour better than regular paper.
  • The InterroBang Level 1, 2 and 3 cards as well as the InterroBang Filter Cards are set up to print double sided so that the front and back of each card aligns.
  • The InterroBang Reference Page is set up so that you only need to print one copy double-sided.
  • The InterroBang Instructions print best if you set your printer to landscape and scale the size up (for some printers scaling works well at 110) and use Legal sized paper (8 翻 X 14). Print double-sided to save paper.

Print & Play Files

Click on the images below to download the Print & Play file for each level, type of card, and the instructions. 


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license. You may copy, redistribute, and adapt this material provided you provide attribution to the Sexual Violence Support & Prevention Office, 間眅埶AV, and that your reuse is for non-commercial purposes only. Full licence terms are available here: