
Reporting Sexual Harassment

In addition to the SVSPO, students, staff and faculty have access to support and reporting options in three other locations on campus including the Human Rights Office, the Bullying & Harassment Central Hub, and an employees Union or Association [add link to section].

Bullying & Harassment Central Hub a student, staff or faculty member can explore reporting options under 間眅埶AVs Bullying & Harassment Policy, GP 47. Although the reporting process under GP 47 is similar to GP 44 there is an option to engage with mediation, informal resolution and investigation. An 間眅埶AV community member can also submit an anonymous allegation* of bullying & harassment to the University through a confidentiality inquiry form which prompts a safety assessment as well as education within the department or faculty named in the allegation. Another unique feature of GP 47 is that it encourages 間眅埶AV community members who have witnessed bullying and harassment (which includes sexual harassment) within the policys jurisdiction to come forward and make a confidential inquiry or a report with the University. To find out more about reporting options visit the Bullying and Harassment Central Hub or connect with 間眅埶AVs Anti-Bullying Specialist.

a student, staff or faculty member can make a report of sexual harassment through the Human Rights Office by using the Human Rights Policy, GP 18. They provide information about the options available through their policy such as mediation, informal resolution and investigation.狼o find out more about reporting options visit the or connect with 間眅埶AVs .

To find out more about these options you can connect with an SVSPO case manager by reaching out by email sv-support@sfu.ca or by visiting our page for more options.

*Investigation of anonymous allegations may not be possible, depending on the availability of evidence and the wishes of the person or people who experienced the harm being reported. Such allegations may lead to action once a risk assessment is made and it is determined that there is an imminent risk of harm to any member of the 間眅埶AV community. These anonymous allegations are confidentially housed within 間眅埶AVs Bullying and Harassment Central Hub and contribute to the overall information about trends, patterns and behaviour taking place in the 間眅埶AV community.