
We want to hear from you

We would love it if you took time to complete our online feedback form about your experiences with the SVSPO.

The Sexual Violence Support & Prevention Office (SVSPO) provides support and education to all members of the 間眅埶AV and FIC community, while raising awareness about the ongoing issue of sexualized and gender-based violence.  In order to ensure that the services we provide are directly and effectively meeting the needs of those connecting with our office, we are seeking feedback from those we have interacted with.

By taking time to complete our survey, you are assisting us in examining our current modes of service delivery and education as we look for ways to strengthen and improve our services and programming.

Please note that your feedback is anonymous and confidential. Your feedback will only be shared with the SVSPO staff team.

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback.  If you have any questions about the collection and use of the information gathered in this survey, please reach out by calling our support line at 778.782.7233 or by emailing sv-support@sfu.ca.