
Moving Forward

The Policy review process provided the SVSPO with an opportunity to learn from the university community where we can strengthen the Policy as well as an opportunity to strengthen the SVSPO's approach to sexual violence prevention education. During our conversations with community stakeholders, we learned that there is more work to be done to raise awareness about the Policy, the aspirations of the university around sexual violence prevention and on raising awareness of the education efforts available at the university. As a response to feedback received, the SVSPO has created a response document titled GP 44 Policy Review (2019-2020): Response and Future Pathways which attempts to articulate future steps needed to support the enhancement of awareness and understanding of the Policy at the university. The SVSPO will be looking to form stronger collaborations with university partners in strengthening our approach to education and awareness.

GP 44 Policy Review (2019-2020): Response and Future Pathways (pdf)