
\in-TAIR-uh-bang\ noun

A non-standard punctuation mark, combining the functions of a question mark (also known as an interrogative point) and an exclamation mark (also known, in printers slang as a bang), for use at the end of an exclamatory question.

"I absolutely loved playing this game. We often have surface-level conversations but this game digs deep, striking meaningful conversations with anyone you play with. My favourite aspect of the game was the filtering, since it makes sure that the game is played while respecting all players' boundaries and not making anyone feel uncomfortable. Can't wait to borrow this and play for a longer period of time."
--Anonymous participant

What is InterroBang?

InterroBang is a game co-created by the SVSPO and game developer Tucky Aalto. It's a game for students about getting to know themselves and others. Through a series of questions and exercises, players will share their thoughts, ideas and experiences on a range of topics related to relationships, consent, boundaries, cultural differences, and sex positivity. Every card has been designed to evoke thoughtful discussion on both our differences and similarities, and to foster empathy and enlightenment between peers. The creation of the game was a direct response to survey data and feedback from students to explore these topics of relationships, consent, and culture in a fun and engaging manner.

Print & Play InterroBang

To mark the one year anniversary of InterroBang, we have developed a Print & Play version of the game for you to download and print & play at home. This version of the game includes updates to cards that were done to align with feedback we received from the 間眅埶AV and FIC communities over the last year.

Download the Print & Play

Host an InterroBang party

間眅埶AV and FIC students are invited to borrow an InterroBang card set to play with their friends, classmates, and peers. Faculty and staff are also welcome to borrow a set for their class or students in their department. 

間眅埶AV and FIC community members (students, faculty, and staff) may borrow an InterroBang set for up to 15 days. Failure to return the complete set on time and in good condition will result in not being able to borrow the set again for 3 months.

Complete the form below to request an InterroBang set.

Borrow an InterroBang Card Set

Features of InterroBang:

Content Filtering

Before game play, and as a trauma informed practice, players have an opportunity to anonymously select categories for exclusion that they do not feel comfortable discussing during the game.

Game Play Format

InterroBang can be as structured or free form as your group desires it to be! Create your own format or use one of the suggested Gameplay Formats in our game instructions.

Game Play

The game will be played in turns based on the Gameplay Format your group selected during Set-Up. Each turn consists of 4 phases.

  • Phase 1 - Draw: The current player draws a card.
  • Phase 2 - Play: The current player reads the card aloud and answers according to the type of card they got.
  • Phase 3 - InterroBang: Starting with the player to the left of the player who drew, each player takes turns selecting an InterroBang option.
  • Phase 4 - Discard & End Turn: Place your card into a face up discard pile, before play continues clockwise to the next player.

InterroBang Levels

How InterroBang was developed

It all started with a question: How might we better support students from international pathways, to learn more about relationships and boundaries in an intercultural Canadian context?

Inspired by the card game Were Not Really Strangers, Precious Ile and Paola Quir籀s-Cruz, Educators from 間眅埶AV Student Services set off on an adventure to create a prototype game, called Brave Hearts, that would answer this question. The creation of the game was a direct response to survey data and feedback from students to explore these topics in a fun and engaging manner.

We partnered with Kate Parnell and two classes of FIC students to brainstorm questions related to healthy relationships, consent, culture, and boundaries. Students were asked to suggest questions that they were interested in learning about. Questions from students were organized into 3 play levels - from general to more personal questions.

In March 2021, Precious and Paola hosted two creative feedback jam workshops to test the game play with 間眅埶AV student leaders from diverse cultural backgrounds - from the Active Bystander Network (led by Paola Quir籀s-Cruz) and Global Student Centre (led by Michelle Lowe). Their feedback sparked meaningful conversations on how culture and family shape our relationships. Students ideas helped us refine the game questions and levels into simple categories and accessible language - using their own words.

And thus, Brave Hearts, a student-driven game was born! With a flexible roadmap designed for the next phases of game development by Precious, the SVSPO team worked with game designer, Tucky Aalto, to bring the game to life. The team created a second iteration of the game and tested the game with students - this time with new categories, new questions, and additional game play ideas. And thus, the game transformed into Interrobang!?!

As you play Interrobang, join us on a fun, learning adventure to get to know yourself and the people in your circle better. Its all about curiosity and a willingness to listen and learn.

Story written by Precious Ile, MA, PMP
Former 間眅埶AV Student Services Staff | 間眅埶AV Alumni | Educator & Entrepreneur

In Acknowledgement

This project was made possible through the hard work and collaboration of students, staff, faculty, and community members at 間眅埶AV and FIC.