
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who can access services here?  

A: Any member of the 間眅埶AV or FIC community (students or employees) can access services at the SVSPO, regardless of sexual orientation, gender, age, visa status or any other factor.

Q: Are your services free?

A: All of the services at the SVSPO are free of charge.

Q:  Are your services only available at 間眅埶AVs Burnaby Campus Sexual Violence Support & Prevention Office? 

A: Case Managers can meet you at a location that is most comfortable for you. That could be at the Burnaby location of the SVSPO or at another location of your preference on any of 間眅埶AV's campuses. Case Managers can also meet you at an alternate location off campus. They can also support you remotely by phone, text, email, or Zoom.

Q: How can I book an appointment?

A: You can connect with the Case Managers in a variety of ways. You can call our support line at 778.782.7233, email us at sv-support@sfu.ca, or connect directly with a Case Manager through their confidential emails and cell phone numbers, located on the Contact Us page on our website. Visit our Contact Us page for more information about our virtual drop-in hours. 

Q: How long do I have to wait for my appointment?

A: We can usually meet with clients within 24 hours of receiving a request, during business hours. 

Q: If I make an appointment with a Case Manager, who will be present?

A: You can choose who is present at your appointment.  Feel free to bring a support person, such as a friend, or to request that another resource (ie: Counsellor, Victim Services Worker) be present. We will do our best to fulfill these requests. Otherwise, your appointment will be a one-on-one meeting with a Case Manager.

Q: What is your confidentiality policy?

A: Please refer to the GP44 Sexual Violence and Misconduct Prevention, Education and Support, Section 11.0 Access to Information, Confidentiality and Protection of Privacy. Our confidentiality policy can be found here: /policies/gazette/general/gp44.html.

Q: Do I need to give you my real name/What kinds of services can I recieve anonymously?

A: You do not need to identify yourself to connect with the SVSPO.  Any 間眅埶AV or FIC community member can connect with us and receive information on reporting, medical or other options and resources which are available through 間眅埶AV or elsewhere in our greater community.  You only need to identify yourself if you are requesting formal action, such as making a formal report of sexual violence to the University or requesting academic concessions.

Q: Can I receive help without describing specific details of the assault?

A: You can receive assistance from the SVSPO without providing specific details of your experience.  However, the University may require further details if you choose to make a formal report through the institution and that information is required for an investigation. Although some details may be needed outside of an investigation and formal report, you are welcome to share as much or as little of your experience as you are comfortable with.

Q: Can I receive support without filing a formal report?

A: Absolutely. You do not need to file a report either on or off campus to receive support services from us.

Q: Do you provide access to counselling services? 

A: The SVSPO offers streamlined counselling services to connect persons impacted by sexual violence to an 間眅埶AV counsellor who has specialized capacity in this area.  This connection also includes options to minimize your retelling of your experience, should you wish for that.

Q: Do you provide 24/7 crisis support?

A: We do not provide 24/7 crisis support. We provide support during our office hours from Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 4:30pm If you require immediate crisis support, visit our Get Help page for community-based 24/7 support services. 

Q: Will you call the police?  If I want the police to be called, can you help me contact them?

A: The SVSPO will respect your privacy as per 間眅埶AVs policy GP44.  Unless we are required by law to contact outside authorities, we will only do so with your consent.  If you wish to contact police, the SVSPO can help you do so and can assist you with transportation options to meet with police in-person. We can also provide ongoing support in the reporting process if you request this.

Q: My assault happened a long time ago and not on campus. Can I still receive support?

A: The SVSPO can provide support regardless of when or where the incident(s) took place. 

Q: Can I access your services if I received a sexual violence disclosure from someone and need advice on how to support this person?

A: Yes. For those who received a disclosure, the SVSPO can provide support, advice and resources. We invite you to connect with us to learn how to support this person and how to support yourself. You may familiarize yourself on how to support survivors via this online resource on the SVSPO website: /sexual-violence/supporting-survivors.html

Q: I am an 間眅埶AV student whos working full-time and cant access the services during regular office hours. How can I access your services outside regular hours?

A: We can arrange something outside of regular hours to accommodate your schedule. You can call our support line at 778.782.7233, email us at sv-support@sfu.ca, or connect directly with a Case Manager through their confidential emails and cell phone numbers, located on the Contact Us page on our website to arrange an appointment. 

For International Students

Q: Do I need any documentation to receive support through the SVSPO?

A: No, you do not need any documents to get support through the SVSPO. Also, you do not have to make a report to the police or the university to get help. The SVSPO is here to support you in ways that make sense to you.