
SVSPO Advisory Panel

The Advisory Panel

The intention of establishing an Advisory Panel is to act as a resource to the Sexual Violence Support & Prevention Office (SVSPO) composed of experts who have knowledge and experience in reducing, preventing, and responding to sexual violence on campus and in communities (section 5.2.13 of the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Prevention, Education and Support Policy, GP 44).

The primary purpose of the Advisory Panel is:

  • To act as an advisory resource for the SVSPO.
  • To review and comment on the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Annual Report.
  • To act as an advisory resource for regularly reviewed Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy, takes place every 3 years.
  • To provide input on approaches to support, prevention, awareness raising, education, policy, and procedures.

The Sexual Violence Support & Prevention Office Advisory Panel will be composed of three faculty members, three staff members, four students (at least one graduate and one undergraduate), and a Chair. Student positions will be appointed for a one-year term, and staff and faculty will be appointed for a two-year term with the ability to renew. The Advisory Panel will meet three times a year, once a term and at the call of the Chair.


  • To share information and resources that promote an understanding that supports a university that embraces a culture of care, consent, and respect.
  • To provide knowledge and experience that help reduce, prevent, and respond to sexual violence on campus and in communities.
  • To review and make recommendations for the revision of 間眅埶AVs Sexual Violence and Misconduct Prevention, Education and Support Policy, GP 44.
  • To make recommendations on programming and support services and other measures related to addressing and responding to sexual violence.
  • To review and comment on the annual report prepared by the Director of the SVSPO.

SVSPO Advisory Panel Membership




Dr. Genevieve Fuji Johnson

Faculty Member


Faith Friesen

Staff Member


Calvin Liu

Staff Member


Aarushi Aggarwal

Student Member Undergraduate


Aarushi Gupta

Student Member Undergraduate


Harveen Tatla

Student Member - Undergraduate


Dr. Eric Beauregard

Faculty Member


Dr. Megan MacKenzie

Faculty Member


Ira Rishi

Staff Member 2024-2026

Bailey Cooper

Student Member Graduate


Fereshteh Rashed Student Member Graduate 2024-2025

Expressions of Interest, 2024 - 2026

Expressions of interest have closed for 2024.

Have questions about the Advisory Panel or the selections process? Contact CJ Rowe by email at cj_rowe@sfu.ca

Selection Criteria

The Director of the Sexual Violence Support & Prevention Office and Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Students & International, will appoint members to the SVSPOs Advisory Panel after receiving expressions of interest from interested individuals, consulting with Constituency Organizations, and taking into account the diversity of the University Community.

  • Knowledge and experience in sexual violence prevention, response, and/or support within the post-secondary or community context
  • Member of the 間眅埶AV or FIC University Communities.
  • A diverse representation of career and educational stages, across departments and academic disciplines, and experiences that reflect the diversity of our staff, faculty, and students
  • Ability to attend regularly scheduled Advisory Panel meetings.