

We envision a university community and society where individuals are empowered to live, work and learn fully, free from sexual violence.


  • To offer survivor-centered trauma informed supports, referrals and information to Survivors of sexual violence
  • To provide support, referrals and information to all those impacted by sexual violence, including those who receive disclosures of sexual violence
  • To eliminate barriers to supports and services for LGBTQ2S+ people, Indigenous people, people of colour, international students, sex workers, people with disabilities, and people from all ages, classes and cultures 
  • To provide education and training to 間眅埶AVs three campus communities and Fraser International College (FIC) on responding to disclosures of sexual violence, active bystander intervention, consent, media literacy, healthy relationships, Policy GP 44 and other related issues 
  • To work closely and collaborate with on and off campus groups, organizations and other institutions of higher education to enhance our work


  • Supports: Referrals to counselling and medical services, safety planning, academic and workplace accommodations, self-care resources and assistance navigating resources
  • Reporting and complaints: Assistance in making an informed decision about next steps should an individual choose to report to authorities within the university or to the police 
  • Information: Provide up-to-date community resource information
  • Education: Deliver education, programming, training and awareness activities with campus partners through an evidence-based approach to prevention and intervention 
  • Statistics: Maintain non-identifying annual data on disclosures and reports of sexual violence on campus
  • Policy Review: Participate in the periodic evaluations of Policy GP 44 and its related initiatives
  • Advisory Panel: Establish an advisory panel to act as a resource for the SVSPO, composed of experts from the University Community who have knowledge and experience in reducing, preventing and responding to sexual violence