
Reporting to 間眅埶AV Unions or Associations

If you and the Respondent are employees of 間眅埶AV, you may be able to action a grievance process through your Union or Association.  

間眅埶AV Faculty Association (間眅埶AVFA) faculty and librarians

The窄+虡蚊V Faculty Association疳s the union that represents faculty members and librarians at 間眅埶AV. 間眅埶AVFA supports members in understanding their rights and responsibilities as it relates to the collective agreement and University policies and procedures which apply to faculty and librarians. 


Union or Association Representatives staff 

If you are a staff member supported by a collective agreement, you can reach out to your respective representative for information and guidance on staff members rights and responsibilities in relation to 間眅埶AV policies and procedures.