


Finding help and resources can be difficult for a variety of reasons, but know that we are here to support you through that process. If you are uncomfortable with sharing your name or personal data, if you feel unsafe doing so, for whatever reason, you still have options to access support. Join us in navigating how to access support anonymously at the Sexual Violence Support & Prevention Office (SVSPO).

Disclosures and Reports

So what even is an anonymous disclosure and why do you need to know about it? At the SVSPO, a disclosure or the act of disclosing something is providing information about an incident(s) of sexual violence to a case manager. An anonymous disclosure, much like a regular disclosure, simply means that you are making the choice to discuss an incident(s) of sexual violence without revealing any personal information about yourself in the process, this can include your name, your 間眅埶AV number, your contact information, etc.. 

So what if you want to make a report? A disclosure, whether anonymous or not, does not typically result in a report or an investigation, it is more of an informal process in which to discuss information about the incident and explore support and/or reporting options. A report is the step taken to starting a formal investigation into the incident(s), however unlike an anonymous disclosure, reports cannot be made anonymously. As described above this is not to say that you cannot access other supports and resources. For example, you can drop in on our Zoom sessions and anonymously disclose an incident and ask questions about the reporting process and explore support options without sharing any personal information.

At the SVSPO

We are here to support you no matter the level of comfort you have in revealing personal information. The disclosure could be about how you were subjected to sexual violence, how you witnessed it, and/or how it was disclosed to you. Disclosures are also up to your discretion, you can share as much or as little as you need/want. You do not need to reveal details of an incident(s) that you are not comfortable with disclosing to receive support. Also know that support is available regardless of where the incident(s) occurred, and how much time has passed since it happened.

Types of Support

Disclosures to the SVSPO allow access to all types of support and resources, whether anonymous or not. The only reason the SVSPO would ever ask you for personal information is for academic concessions or access to specific support services which cannot be made without it. Actions that require your personal information include, but are not limited to financial support, academic concessions, workplace accommodations, and if or when you decide to report the incident(s).

How to Anonymously Disclose

General Tips to keep yourself anonymous:

  • Use a non-間眅埶AV email

  • Set boundaries with the SVSPO case managers to keep you feeling safe in your sessions

In-person - it is possible to meet with an SVSPO case manager on any of 間眅埶AVs campuses by appointment, whether it be in Vancouver, Surrey, or Burnaby. When you meet you dont have to share any information about yourself.

Phone calls - how to hide a phone number permanently or for a single phone call

Zoom - Did you know you can change your name and keep your camera off when you join a drop-in session? When you click the drop-in link during drop-in hours you are prompted to fill in a name of your choosing. You are then taken to a private waiting room where you will wait for a case manager to bring you into a meeting room which is also private. You are not obligated to turn on your camera nor will you be prompted to.

  • The drop-in link is open outside of the indicated hours, so feel free to click the link to test out the feature (Note: you will not be taken into a meeting room outside of drop-in hours or appointments)


There are many other resources that you can to turn to both on-campus and off-campus. Here are a few that may be helpful: 

  • Disclosing an anonymous allegation at 間眅埶AVs Bullying and Harassment Central Hub. While filing an anonymous allegation of sexual harassment may not start a formal investigation they may be taken into consideration for determining whether there is evidence of significant risk to the health or safety of members of the University Community (GP 47 Bullying and Harassment Procedures). 

  • For immediate crisis assistance, emotional support, information and referrals for cis and trans women, Two-Spirit, trans, and/or non binary people call (Off-campus Service).

  • Scroll through the link below for a more comprehensive list of on-campus and off-campus support services

Help for students

Help for Staff/Faculty

Let us help

This is a lot of information to take in at once. The SVSPO case managers are here to speak with you and walk you through the information and the options for support provided above. We are here to support you in any way we can, in the way that you need.