


Following web best practices, it's important to add text in a meaningful way that cleary communicates your message to your audience.

Below you'll learn how to use titles, heading styles, calls-to-action and more, to help audiences easily consume the content.

Title Component

The title component adds the title of the page as a H1 heading text and is automatically updated when the name of the page is changed. 

Title Component

 Best Practices

  • Your page title should match its navigation label. 
  • Using the title component as your page title for all subpages will help you achieve this function and automatically update your pages if you change any page name. 

 How to

1. Add title component from the sidekick onto your page, and it will automatically add the title of the page 


2. To change the text of the title: double click or click to edit and you can update the title text
