

Using Eventbrite

If your event requires tickets and/or assigned seating you must set up an Eventbrite registration page. If your event does not require registration, tickets or assigned seating, please use LiveWhale to promote it.

Note: You must copy the event to LiveWhale to add it to the 間眅埶AV Events Calendar. Events hosted through Eventbrite will not be automatically added to the 間眅埶AV Events Calendar. 

Create a New Event

1. Go to the and sign in using your department's Eventbrite email and password

2. Click on the drop-down menu in the top right of your screen and select Manage Events (not Create Event). By using this method instead of Create Event, you will ensure you have accurate financial and tax information (so you get paid) and a Privacy Notice Waiver (so you are compliant with B.C. privacy laws).

3. Click Event Status and select Draft or Past to find your departments unique template

4. Once you've located your department's template, click on the three dots and click Copy Event

5. Change the name and event details (these can be edited later) and click Copy Event

6. Your event is now saved but is not live