

Using Eventbrite

If your event requires tickets and/or assigned seating you must set up an Eventbrite registration page. If your event does not require registration, tickets or assigned seating, please use LiveWhale to promote it.

Note: You must copy the event to LiveWhale to add it to the 間眅埶AV Events Calendar. Events hosted through Eventbrite will not be automatically added to the 間眅埶AV Events Calendar. 

Getting Your Event Money

1. Click Manage Attendees in the left-hand column, then Orders to obtain a copy of your sales summary

2. In the Orders page, click on Reports and then select Sales Summary

3. Export your sales summary via your preferred method to an easy-to-find location


4. Contact banking@sfu.ca using the sample message below, and attach a copy of the corresponding Eventbrite transaction report.

Hello [name], 
We are expecting an Eventbrite payout of $[amount] for our [event title] on [event date]. The transaction report is attached for your reference. Please have the funds transferred to our account [your department account]. 
Thank you!