

Faculty & Staff Engagement

The newsletter is sent out twice a week to all employees, and the Faculty and Staff Dashboard is a website for readers to access content in one consistent location. Find out what types of content we include and how to submit yours.

Content Guidelines

We want to make it easy for our audience to find important information they need. Before submitting your content, take a moment to consider if it is related to a broad initiative or event and if it is relevant to faculty or staff members across our three campuses and does it highlight the priorities outlined in What's Next: The ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Strategy.

Create suitable content

Content submitted to the dashboard should be relevant to all staff and faculty. Examples of content we are looking for include:

  • Ambassador stories: Stories about individuals or teams and their contribution to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s priorities, including how they go above and beyond to create community, advance ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s mission, and make the university a great place to work and learn
  • Achievements, appointments and announcements: Examples include a profile of a new or celebrated faculty or staff member, calls for award nominations, information about a new faculty-led initiative, or personnel changes
  • Operational updates: Information related to university operations that is relevant to faculty and staff, including new policies or procedures, changes to on-campus services, and construction notices
  • Resources: Tools, templates, guides, instruction manuals, new training modules and other information that will help faculty and staff learn and grow
  • Your content should also align with one of the priorites identified in the What's Next: The ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV StrategyUphold Truth and ReconciliationEngage in Global ChallengesMake a Difference For B.C.; or Transform the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Experience

See below for what content goes on what ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV channel.

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV News

  • Research breakthroughs and discoveries
  • Experiential learning
  • How knowledge benefits society
  • National or international recognition
  • Cultivating dialogue on important issues
  • Campus expansion
  • Presidential priorities (EDI, reconciliation, student experience)
  • Institutional announcements

Faculty & Staff Dashboard

  • Updates and progress on university and presidential priorities
  • Information to help people do their jobs
  • Stories that build pride among faculty/staff
  • Executive personnel changes
  • Resources, tools, events and workshops
  • Service, safety and operations updates

Faculty/Department News Sites

  • Research findings
  • New faculty members or visiting scholars
  • New programs and course offerings
  • Updates on faculty-led initiatives
  • Stories about outstanding students
  • Local or provincial recognition

Make your content stand out

Tailor your content to your audience. Take a minute to put yourself in the shoes of faculty and staff who read the newsletter. Write copy that highlights aspects of your event or story that is most valuable and engaging to them. 

Write action-oriented headlines that are accessible and engaging. Headlines should: 

  • Stand on their own without supporting copy
  • Articulate your key message and how your audience stands to benefit

Don’t submit the same content twice

Based on our metrics, repeated content sees an average 60% drop-off in clickthrough rates from one newsletter to the next. If an update is worth sharing again, re-write it to emphasize a different angle to draw in new interest.