

Using Eventbrite

If your event requires tickets and/or assigned seating you must set up an Eventbrite registration page. If your event does not require registration, tickets or assigned seating, please use LiveWhale to promote it.

Note: You must copy the event to LiveWhale to add it to the 間眅埶AV Events Calendar. Events hosted through Eventbrite will not be automatically added to the 間眅埶AV Events Calendar. 

Alternative Registration Options

Due to privacy legislation, attendees dont have to use Eventbrite to register for events. Event organizers are requested to offer alternative registration options. Consider using one or both of these methods.

Manual with no ticket

  1. When an attendee indicates they are not willing to accept the waiver and/or use Eventbrite to register, the attendee should pay in person (or by credit card over the phone) prior to the event
  2. Upon payment, the staff member provides a written receipt to the attendee 
  3. When the ticket is paid for, a staff member completes the Departmental Deposit Summary form with the monies and pass it to a staff member at the appropriate financial location
  4. A staff member then accesses Eventbrite and reduces the number of seats available manually by one to reserve a seat for the person. You may skip this step if you are providing an anonymous ticket through Eventbrite (see below).
  5. A note is manually recorded as a reminder for staff members to communicate to the attendee with reminder emails of the upcoming event
  6. To check-in attendees added manually without a ticket, a staff member brings a laptop to the check-in table on the day of the event, opens Eventbrite and navigates to the Check-In page for the event. As people come to the table, they either present their ticket or provide their first and last name. Upon verification, the staff member checks the person in.

Anonymous ticket

1. To print off an anonymous ticket, go to the relevant event 

2. Click Manage Attendees in the left-hand column, then Add Attendees

3. Select Order Type and indicate how the ticket was paid for

4. Indicate the ticket Quantity. If your event is monetized, Eventbrite will automatically fill in the Face Value.

5. Click Continue

6. Fill out the Registration Information with generic information, such as Jane Doe. Use your departments contact information for Contact Information. Accept the Privacy Notice Waiver and complete the registration.