


Following web best practices, it's important to add text in a meaningful way that cleary communicates your message to your audience.

Below you'll learn how to use titles, heading styles, calls-to-action and more, to help audiences easily consume the content.


A quote style can be used to highlight a pull quote on your page or news stories. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In maximus accumsan quam ac volutpat.

John Smith, PhD Candidate

 Best Practices

  • Make sure to follow proper formatting for name and title reference 

  • Quote styles should not be used for anything other than highlighting a quote

 Design Guidelines

If using quote style for pull quotes, consider placing the quote style on the side of the content (ex within a 2 column component)

 How to

1. Add text component to page and edit text

2. Add quote in the CSS class field of the text component 


Quote converts paragraph text to quote style

3. Use paragraph text for the quote portion of the copy

4. Use Heading 5 for the name and title attribute

5. Apply bold treatment to the name to highlight the name