

Set Up Website

Setting up your website includes creating the main navigation and sub-pages, and adding your department specific social media links and contact information. You also have the option to add an audience navigation for your secondary audience.

Footer - Contact Us

Customize with your own department’s details. The other information in the footer is not adjustable. The social media icons at the bottom of the contact section will match the social media icons created in the header.  

 Best Practices

  • Make sure to only include contact information in this section. 
  • There should be no images or logos and nothing else should be embedded or placed in this section. 

 How to

1. Navigate to your site’s homepage 

2. Open the Edit Inherited content in your sidekick (under Pages > Edit Inherited content)

3. Find the Contact Us section in the footer (To edit, right click on the text box and select edit)

4. Update the content with your own department's details


  • Inherited content is a section of content that appears automatically on multiple pages of your site. 
  • When it’s added to the home page, it will cascade throughout the whole site. 
  • You can also add to specific pages, or on any parent page and all its children.