

Set Up Website

Setting up your website includes creating the main navigation and sub-pages, and adding your department specific social media links and contact information. You also have the option to add an audience navigation for your secondary audience.

Audience Navigation

The audience navigation bar is an optional set of links used to present content not aimed at your primary audience i.e., if your primary audience is students, use the audience navigation bar to present a link to faculty and staff related content.

 Best Practices

  • Only use the audience navigation for links to pages that are for different audiences. This is to ensure consistency of this components use across 間眅埶AV sites. 

 How to

1. Set up pages that are specific to your audience prior to creating your audience navigation.

Note: These can be created as top-level pages and hidden in your main navigation.  See setting up navigation for hiding pages in your menu.

2. Add / Edit links in Audience Navigation bar

  • a. Open your sites homepage, or specific parent page that you want the audience navigation to appear on.  
  • b. Navigate to Edit Inherited Content in the Sidekick under Page Tab (under Pages > Edit Inherited Content).
  • c. On the top right of your site, you will find the Header Right section, right click and select edit.
  • d. Under Build list using: select Fixed list option.
  • e. Navigate to the Fixed list tab and select Add Item, and select your pages you want to be displayed in the audience navigation. Click on the + button to add more pages. 

Note: Alternatively, you can also set up a set of child pages under the parent page to be the set of links, for more information on lists see List Component. (link to list component)
