


Community-Engaged Research Methods Workshop

June 29, 2020

This two-part workshop explores community-engaged research methods. On June 29th, Dr. Stuart Poyntz, CERi co-Director and Associate Professor in 間眅埶AVs School of Communication, and Dr. Tiffany Mueller Myrdahl, Senior Lecturer in Gender, Sexuality, and Womens Studies and Urban Studies at 間眅埶AV, addressed a broad range of CER methods with CERis Graduate Fellows. The CERi Fellows are a cohort of graduate students at 間眅埶AV who are actively practicing community-engaged research or whose research will use CER methods.

In the first part of the workshop, Poyntz explores a sample of CER methods including arts-based methods, social audits, citizen science, participatory mapping and evaluation and oral history. In the second part, Mueller Myrdahl unpacks the expectations and implications of conducting CER.

The outcomes of this two-part workshop are to:

  • Establish a broad understanding of CER research methods
  • Identify a range of research methods and assess their potential explications in individual research projects
  • Examine expectations for a CER-based project
  • Discuss the integration of CER principles

Community-Engaged Research Methods Workshop pt. 1, presented by Dr. Stuart Poyntz: 

Community-Engaged Research Methods Workshop pt. 2, presented by Dr. Tiffany Mueller Myrdahl: 

About the Speakers

Dr. Tiffany Muller Myrdahl teaches courses on urban housing policy and research methods. She completed a masters in public policy, followed by a doctorate in geography with a certificate in feminist studies from the University of Minnesota. Her research examines urban inequalities and inclusion strategies, especially those targeting women and sexual minorities. Her work has appeared in Gender, Place and Culture, ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, The Routledge Research Companion to Geographies of Sex and Sexualities, and Toward Equity and Inclusion in Canadian Cities. She serves on the board of Women in Cities International, a Montreal-based NGO focused on enabling all women and girls to lead in the creation of safe, inclusive, and equitable cities and communities.

Dr. Stuart R. Poyntz is an Associate Professor in 間眅埶AV's School of Communication and currently serves as Co-Director of the Young, Creative, Connected research network. His research addresses childrens media cultures, theories of public life and urban youth media production. He has published four books and is currently Principal Investigator of the SSHRC-funded research project, Youthsites: Charting the non-formal arts learning sector in creative lives, and Lead Investigator of the Social Media and News Section of the SSHRC-funded research project, IMPACTS: Collaborations to Address Sexual Violence on Campus. He has published widely in national and international peer-reviewed journals, including Oxford Review of Education, Canadian Journal of Communication, Popular Culture, Journal of Children and Media, Cultural Studies, Journal of Youth Studies, Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies, and the Canadian Journal of Education, and in various edited collections.