
Faranak Farzan on Neuroengineering and Brain Plasticity for Below the Radar

October 01, 2020

Dr. Faranak Farzan leads a unique research programme at the intersection of engineering and neuroscience. Her work innovates technological solutions to mental health related concerns like depression and addiction. The programme is aimed at development and practical implementation of neurotechnology and computational approaches for studying human brain health and function, and for diagnosis and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders.

Recently, Farzan spoke with Am Johal, host of the Below the Radar podcast and CERi co-director, about how technological intervention can actively rewire the brain. In the episode, Farzan unpacks her research specific to youth mental health, the ethical implications of neurotechnology and the importance of community perspectives in co-creating brain health solutions.

Farzan is the endowed Chair in Technology Innovations for Youth Addiction Recovery and Mental Health and assistant professor at ԰AV's . Farzan is the founder and at ԰AV.

Farzan has serviced on CERi’s Advisory Board for the last two years and recently recommitted to serving an addition two-year term. As a Board member, she offers invaluable direction to how community-engaged research and related programs can be uplifted by the University.

Listen to the full episode:


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