


Institutional Network

Regional, national and international CER networks.

The Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research (AICBR) is a unique Northern non-profit organization that works to bring together multiple groups and sectors on issues that are identified by and relevant to our partners. Their current priorities include food security and food sovereignty, healthy lifestyles, youth engagement and mental health, and climate change adaptation.

Brown University

The Swearer Center is a community of scholars, students, practitioners and community members that works together to build on community strengths and address community challenges. Their work engages all as co-learners, co-teachers, co-actors and co-creators of knowledge and action.

The Centre for Community Based Research (CCBR) conducts and promotes community-based research. CCBR has partnered with hundreds of groups from across Canada and beyond. From grassroots community groups to inter-governmental initiatives, CCBR facilitates new ways for people to work together.

Community-Based Research Canada (CBRC) is a catalyst in the community-campus engagement movement that is sweeping the country and putting research and knowledge to work. Across the nation, campus and community partnerships are addressing Canadas social, economic and environmental priorities.

Concordia University

The Office of Community Engagement (OCE)'s mandate is to develop and support meaningful and mutually-beneficial relationships between the university and the diverse communities of Montreal.

The Living Knowledge Network is composed of persons active in -or supportive of- Science Shops and Community Based Research. Living Knowledge aims to foster public engagement with, and participation in, all levels of the research and innovation process.

The National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) seeks to support a culture change in the UK higher education sector through their vision, mission and aims.

 PRIA (Participatory Research in Asia) is a global centre for participatory research and training based in New Delhi. PRIA has field offices in 8 states and linkages with 3000 NGOs to deliver its programmes on the ground. PRIAs work is focused on empowerment of the excluded through capacity building, knowledge building and policy advocacy.


Rutgers Collaborative Center for Community-Based Research and Service is dedicated to campus-community partnership and community-engaged scholarship to advance the public good in the state of New Jersey and beyond. 

Trent University

Community Campus Engage Canada (CCEC) connects people, ideas and resources to build reciprocal partnerships. They are a national network and learning community for organizations and individuals that address pressing social and environmental challenges through community-campus engagement (CCE).

Trent University

For nearly 25 years, the Trent Community Research Centre has facilitated meaningful, and purposeful community-based research projects in Peterborough City and County, Durham Region, and Northumberland County.

University of Calgary

The Patient and Community Engagement Research (PaCER) program, as part of the  at the  and in partnership with Alberta Health Services through the Strategic Clinical Networks, is committed to transforming the role of patients in health care and health culture through engagement research.

University of Guelph

The Community Engaged Scholarship Institute (CESI) brings together community and campus skills and resources in order to advance community-identified research goals.

University of Saskatchewan

In collaboration with groups in Saskatoon's core neighbourhoods, the Universitys Community Engagement Office at Station 20 West focuses on supporting/building equity through community engaged teaching, learning, research and artistic work.

University of Toronto

The Centre for Community Partnerships works with students to ecplore and enact their vision of a better world through community-engaged learning and research experiences.

University of Victoria

The university engages in research that is based in community and that contributes to both academic and community success. UVic has a deep connection to our local, national and global communities through community-engaged research.

Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research

The Community Engagement and Research Core (CERC) is a partnership between Meharry Medical College and the Vanderbilt University Medical Center which brings academic and community partners together to improve community health and healthcare through research.

York University

The York University-TD Community Engagement Centre (CEC), located in the York Gate Mall, is a satellite office of York University. The CEC strives for academic innovation through community building and experiential learning, post-secondary attainment for Black Creek Community, and fosters collaborative research and partnerships.