


Fall 2020 Participants

Project Title: Negotiating Meaning in X戔aad Kil (Northern Haida) Conversation

間眅埶AV Research Lead: Kelli Lynn Finney, PhD Candidate, Department of Linguistics

Community Partner Organization: 

Vibrant community-driven revitalization efforts are underway for X戔aad Kil (Northern Haida), a First Nations language spoken in Haida Gwaii, BC and Hydaburg, AK. In partnership with the X戔aadaas Kil Kuuyaas Foundation (XKKF) this project examines recorded conversations and speeches to develop curriculum-building tools emphasizing conversational language use.

CERi funding will support focus group sessions with language teachers and learners and facilitate work sessions with fluent elder speaker Lawrence Bell.

Project Title: Eng/aging and HIV: Knowledge Exchange Between Administrative Data Study and Older Adults Living with HIV in British Columbia

間眅埶AV Research Lead: Kathleen Inglis, Mitacs Postdoctoral Fellow

Community Partner Organization: 

To an unprecedented degree in the history of HIV/AIDS, people with HIV are living longer thanks to treatment and there is a need to understand the complexity of aging by those who live this actuality. This project engages older adults living with HIV, care providers, and other researchers as a research council to examine health impacts of growing older with HIV utilizing an administrative health data study called COAST at the B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS.

CERi funding supports iterative research amongst the council that honours their living experiences and concerns and builds their capacity to translate these into research questions suitable for the administrative data study (COAST) for the councils future interpretation and research dissemination.

Project Title: MindMap: A Database of Low-barrier and LGBTQ2-affirming Outpatient Mental Health Services

間眅埶AV Research Lead: Travis Salway, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences

Community Partner Organization: 

This project will focus on developing a clear and evidence-based set of guidelines for determining if a mental health service is LGBTQ/2S/+-affirming and what this looks like. This will be accomplished by conducting a literature review, forming guidelines in collaboration with LGBTQ/2S/+ community members, modifying the guidelines based on community feedback, and disseminating findings to community partners.

Project Title: Koeye Salmon Ecosystem Project

間眅埶AV Research Lead: Jonathan Moore, Professor, Aquatic Ecology & Conservation

Community Partner Organization: 

The Koeye Salmon Ecosystem Project commenced in 2012, in collaboration with local partner organizations, with the goal of filling knowledge gaps needed to manage Heiltsuk salmon fisheries sustainably. The project now includes: environmental monitoring of the Koeye estuary, studies of salmon survival and use of AI to automate adult counts.

Project Title: DTES Tech Ambassador Capacity Building for Virtual Tech Cafes

間眅埶AV Research Lead: Jennifer Reddy, Associate Director, Leadership & Community Building

Community Partner Organizations: 間眅埶AV 間眅埶AV Learning, Leadership and Community Building, , 

This project aims to focus on digital equity and community solidarity in order to address the increasing gap in access to digital devices and wifi while also building upon key relationships in the community through virtual Tech Caf矇 gatherings that continue to be critical as face-to-face Tech Cafes are not scheduled to be held in the near future.

CERi is supporting this project in a critical way through CERi staff and student support, shipping supplies to participants, hygiene and cleaning supplies for participants and technology, and Digital/Tech Literacy Coordinator time.

Project Title: South Vancouver Neighbourhood House: Equity in Neighbourhood Expenditures Evaluation

間眅埶AV Research Lead: Meg Holden, Director and Professor, Urban Studies Program

Community Partner Organization: 

Neighbourhoods in South Vancouver are poorly served by public amenities, investments, and access to civic processes, although they have concentrations of residents who are racialized, non-English speakers, and immigrants to Canada. Our benchmark analysis of public investment and attention levels in Vancouvers different neighbourhoods will creates a platform to address equity in neighbourhood expenditures citywide.

The CERi grant is funding the initial scoping and preparation of the neighbourhood investment equity benchmark tool, and initial data collection to inform the status of inequities in neighbourhood investment.

Project Title: Sustainable Business Adaptation during COVID-19

間眅埶AV Research Lead: Tammara Soma, Assistant Professor, School of Resource and Environmental Management

Community Partner Organization: 

To support a green recovery from COVID-19, we are exploring best practices and innovative solutions that will maintain health and safety while continuing green and economically viable practices. We are working with local BC businesses who seek to adapt to the new realities of COVID-19 while maintaining their sustainability objectives.

CERi funding provides financial support for project management, supplies, and contributions for community engagement.

Project Title: IntergeNS Project: Intergenerational Programs and Opportunities on the North Shore

間眅埶AV Research Lead: Habib Chaudhury, Professor and Chair, Department of Gerontology

Community Partner Organization: 

IntergeNS is a partnership project with the North Shore Community Resources Society to assess and facilitate intergenerational programming/opportunities on the North Shore of Metro Vancouver. We plan to develop an inventory of current intergenerational events, programs, community spaces, and organizations on the North Shore to facilitate the development of a central resource hub for the community.

CERi funding will support conduct of an environmental scan, conduct of a community survey and a community workshop to develop an action plan for creation of a Resource Hub.

Project Title: Supporting advocates supporting new bicyclists during COVID-19 

間眅埶AV Research Lead: , PhD Candidate, Faculty of Health Sciences

Community Partner Organization: 

 PhD student Stephanie Sersli is working with  to adapt HUBs in-person public bicycle education courses toward online delivery. Given increasing interest in cycling during COVID-19, online delivery will enable HUB to continue supporting new, returning, and inexperienced riders become safe and confident cyclists.

CERi support enables Stephanie and HUB to collaboratively identify which elements of HUB Cyclings existing courses can be effectively moved online, and which are best delivered in-person.

Project Title: TaiChi Shan: Building Immunity through Community

間眅埶AV Research Lead: Shanny Chuah, PhD Candidate, Gender, Sexuality and Womens Studies (GSWS)

Community Partner Organization: 

This project investigates the physical, mental and emotional effects of practising Tristar Taichi during COVID-19 on Chinese immigrant women in Metro Vancouver. It is carried out in collaboration with Tristar Taiji International Association founded by Master Li Rong.

CERi grant funding will be used towards documentation equipment and promotional expenses on social media platforms.