


Researchers-in-Residence 2020

Lyana Patrick


Lyana Patrick is an Indigenous scholar and practitioner from the Stellat*en First Nation and Acadian/Scottish. She has worked as an education specialist for over two decades, developing curriculum, managing education programs and evaluating Indigenous health and education initiatives. She has also worked as a community planner, most recently for the City of Vancouver helping design community engagement for a municipal poverty reduction strategy. Dr. Patrick works together with communities to develop Indigenous-focused, collaborative research models that can transform Indigenous experiences of health, planning and justice. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at 間眅埶AV where her work focuses on the intersection of community planning, health and justice.

Enda Brophy

TERM: MAY 2020 - APRIL, 2021

Enda Brophy is an Associate Professor in the and an Associate in at 間眅埶AV. He is the author of , which won book of the year awards from the Canadian Association of Work and Labour Studies and the Canadian Communication Association in 2018. With Greig de Peuter, Nicole Cohen, Kate Oakley and Marisol Sandoval he collaborates on , a research project exploring collective responses to precarious employment by workers in cultural and creative industries. He has translated numerous works by Italian scholars, including Gigi Roggero*s and Giovanna Franca Dalla Costa*s .

Lillian Deeb, Research Assistant

Lillian Deeb is a researcher, labour advocate, and organizer who received her MA in the at 間眅埶AV. Her MA research focused on debates around the new geological age 'the Anthropocene,' seeking to understand the historical causes of anthropogenic climate change. Her research interests include direct democracy, labour rights, social movements, the social implications of science and technology, and political ecology. Most recently she served as the Chief Steward for the , where she was responsible for enforcing the collective agreement, ensuring members were aware of their rights, empowering them to become actively involved in the advocacy branch of the union, and supporting the organizing drive to unionize research assistants and grant employees at 間眅埶AV.

Yi Chien Jade Ho 睡皊珼, Graduate Student

Yi Chien Jade Ho 睡皊珼 is a PhD candidate and a member of Academic Council at the at the at 間眅埶AV. Jade was a community-based researcher at the Maple Ridge Environmental School Project, a buildingless public elementary school in Maple Ridge, BC. Jade has been a housing-rights organizer working intergenerationally in Vancouver*s Chinatown to fight against gentrification and racism. She is also a labour organizer with the Teaching Support Staff Union. In 2019, she was part of a successful unionization drive for research assistants and grant employees at 間眅埶AV, making RAs at 間眅埶AV the first unionized research workers in West Coast Canada. Her doctoral work centers on developing a radical pedagogy of place through decolonial lenses focusing on settlers of color and their connection to place, land and identity.

Angela Kaida


Angela Kaida is an Associate Professor and global health epidemiologist in the Faculty of Health Sciences at 間眅埶AV. She holds a Canada Research Chair in Global Perspectives on HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health. Dr. Kaida has been awarded funding from CIHR, SSHRC, Grand Challenges Canada, and the National Institutes of Health to lead a global research program focused on factors and environments that increase vulnerability or protect sexual and reproductive health, in the context of HIV. Dr. Kaida works closely with community leaders and decision-makers to integrate research evidence into health policy and programming, attending to social and gender equity. She has served in numerous institutional, national, and global leadership roles including with the , sub-Saharan African Network of TB and HIV research Excellence (), the Canadian Association for HIV Research (), and the BC Women*s Health Research Institute (). To read more about Dr. Kaida*s research contributions, .

Nicholas Blomley


Nicholas Blomley is a at 間眅埶AV. He has a long standing interest in legal geography, particularly in relation to property. Dr. Blomly is interested in the spatiality of legal practices and relationships, and the worldmaking consequences of such legal geographies. Much of his empirical work concerns the often oppressive effects of legal relations on marginalized and oppressed people. Recent and current research projects, often in collaboration with others, include a) the analysis of &rental precarity* in Greater Vancouver; b) the study of court-imposed &red zones* imposed on street-involved people and protestors in Montreal and Vancouver; c) the dispossession of Japanese-Canadians in the 1940s; d) a community-based project creating tenant-led research into precarious housing conditions in Vancouver*s most vulnerable population and e) the governance of poor people*s possessions by private and public regulators in Canadian cities.

Dr. Blomley is also trying to unpack the relationship between territory and property, and is interested in the practice of urban commoning. His past research has focused on topic such as gentrification, panhandling, urban gardening, and indigenous-state treaties.

Marina Chavez, Graduate Student

Marina Chavez is a Master*s student in the at 間眅埶AV. She is focused on understanding the law*s role in the regulation and social construction of poverty.  Marina has worked in research and activism on homeless encampment enforcement in the Sacramento/ Bay Area regions of California. The experiences in California paired with that of her own family led her to pursue a Master*s degree at 間眅埶AV where she could use her experience to continue to advocate and collaborate with activists seeking housing and economic justice. Currently, she is working on a project related to the regulation of SRO Tenant possessions in Vancouver*s Downtown Eastside. Her goal is to pursue transparent peer-based research that centers participant voices to understand how home is constructed and threatened through personal possessions.

Claire Shapton, Graduate Student

Claire Shapton is a Master*s student in the at 間眅埶AV interested in the intersections of housing justice, feminist ecologies, animals, and governance. She began to explore community engaged research as an intern and researcher with an anti-displacement movement in her home of Portland, Oregon. Her current academic work analyzes the logics of property and multi-species housing precarity in Abbotsford, BC.