


312 Main Research Shop


The 312 Main Research Shop supports community organizations by offering research services at low or no cost. Inspired by the 'science shop' model widely practiced in Europe and building on the success of similar initiatives in Canada, we collaborate with community partners, students, and faculty members to address community questions and concerns through research.

We offer a range of research products and services to community organizations, including:

  • Literature Reviews

  • Needs Assessments

  • Program Evaluations

  • Surveys

  • Policy Briefs

Our Approach

Our community-engaged research (CER) philosophy prioritizes CER ethics, which include the active involvement of community organizations in the research process, ensuring the research design and outcomes address their specific needs.

Our Partners

The 312 Main Research Shop is a collaboration between 間眅埶AV CERi, , and the .

How it works 

We solicit projects from community organizations, then hire 間眅埶AV graduate students to engage in, lead, or contribute to community-driven research projects, gaining hands-on experience and enhancing their professional development. 間眅埶AV CERi manages and facilitates the process from start to finish.

How to Work with Us

Students - We post Research Assistant job openings on our website on a rolling basis. The best way to stay up-to-date is to subscribe to our newsletter for job posting announcements.

Community Partners - We accept applications from community partners on a rolling basis. If you are interested, please fill out our and send an email to Tara Mahoney, Research and Engagement Manager, 間眅埶AV CERi, at tmahoney@sfu.ca to explore opportunities for collaboration.

Current Projects

Omri Haiven is a worker and a researcher based in the Salish territories of Vancouver, Canada. He is currently completing an M.A in the School of Communication at 間眅埶AV on the strategic communication potentials of agri-voltaics as a visionary infrastructure. Omri has worked on food justice issues for the past 15 years including running a farm, creating food cooperatives and helping to create indigenous-led food forests. In the past few years he helped to unionize front-line social service workers and fight against extractivist projects on Canadas West Coast. 

Research Project: Omri is working with  to investigate the intersection between climate change and affordability in the context of British Columbia.

Nathanel Eguale has a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Commerce from UBC and is currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Public Policy at 間眅埶AV.

Research Project: Nathanel is working with the Hastings Crossing BIA on the , focused on filling empty storefronts with community-centered businesses and essential services. His approach tackles gentrification by prioritizing inclusivity and resident needs, shaping a future where everyone thrives.

Genevieve Cheng completed her Bachelor of Arts with Distinction from 間眅埶AV and is currently pursuing an MA with the new Communication Research for Social Change project stream at 間眅埶AV's School of Communication. Her project is turning academic and pedagogical thought on social media platforms and media literacy into a digital educational campaign using short and long form video content for youth and young adults.

Research Project: Genevieve is working on the with (PIPPS) and whereby community leaders and members are taught how to build simple air filtration devices that improve indoor air quality. Working with various municipalities, townships, and regions across the province, this initiative helps communities prepare for climate-related health impacts. 

Raj Deol was born in Hong Kong, is of South Asian descent and is now residing on Turtle Island. He is completing his Masters in International Studies at 間眅埶AV and his work focuses on advancing caste and social inclusion in international development, researching gender migration discourses in Asia and strengthening the global human rights system from backlash. Raj is also a development practitioner who has worked with the United Nations on gender equality, disaster resilience and migration. 

Research Project: Raj is working on the and Caste & Climate Project with the Padma Center for Climate Justice which focuses on supporting Canada's commitment to international climate justice by ensuring fair contributions to climate finance and explores how climate and caste justice are intertwined.

Morgan Krakow is a masters student at the 間眅埶AV School of Communication.

Research Project: Shes working with Neworld Theatre and the Climate Disaster Project on an upcoming theatre production that centers the stories of climate disaster survivors.
