
Knowledge & Practice

The Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue’s Office of Knowledge and Practice is dedicated to building capacity in dialogue and working to advance innovation, equity and systems change for participatory democracy.

What We Do

Dialogue and Engagement Resources

We develop tools and resources on dialogue and democratic participation, consolidating knowledge from the field and sharing insights from the Centre for Dialogue’s practice.

Access our free suite of resources

Knowledge Exchange

We foster conditions for collaborative and inspiring knowledge exchange between dialogue and engagement practitioners through our events, newsletter and podcast, as well as by sponsoring practitioner research and knowledge creation, and participating actively in international practitioner networks including the , the , and .

Capacity Building

We offer tailored support to governments, organizations or projects seeking to advance their capacity in dialogue and engagement, such as through training programs, co-creating engagement frameworks, and supporting engagement evaluations.

Internal Professional Development

We coordinate the Centre’s internal professional development program, connecting our staff with training opportunities and best practices emerging from research and practitioner networks in order to support our delivery of world class dialogue and engagement consulting services.

Affiliated Initiatives

The Office of Knowledge & Practice has participated in the following current and past initiatives. 


The following are the most recent dialogue and engagement resources developed by the Offiice of Knowledge and Practice.

Blog Reel

Meet the Knowledge & Practice Team

Dialogue Dispatch


Dialogue Dispatch is our community of practice newsletter where we share updates on our team's knowledge exchange activities alongside inspiring case studies, suggested readings and practical tools for people and organizations working to transform the field of democratic participation.

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Read the most recent Dialogue Dispatch issue: