
Action on Climate Team (ACT), ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV

ACT at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV's mission is to bring leading experts from around the world together with professional practitioners, industry, communities, NGOs and all levels of government to explore climate change risks and advance opportunities for sustainable adaptation.

One of ACT’s core mandates is to engage diverse groups working on climate change and promote understanding between them. Their principal goal is to translate science into policy language that is both practical and relevant to current frameworks, and therefore accessible to decision-makers grappling with the challenges and uncertainty associated with climate change.

ACT was the first university-based think tank in North America dedicated to climate change adaptation and remains the only one focused on a comprehensive suite of adaptation research topics, spanning biodiversity, extreme weather, energy, water security, crops & food supply, sea level rise, health risks, population displacement, the nexus between water, food, energy and biodiversity, infrastructure adaptation funding, green infrastructure, and low carbon resilience (LCR)—the integration of adaptation and emissions reduction.

Affiliated Fellow