
Consulting Services

Envisioning your next engagement?

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Difficult topics. Contested facts. The wrong people in the room. Even the best organizations get stuck on the issues that matter most. Thats where we come in.

As an internationally recognized leader in dialogue, engagement and public participation, we are sought out by governments, community organizations and non-profits for our values-based services. We are known as a trusted facilitator of meaningful engagement and solutions-oriented outcomes as well as a hub for community initiatives.


years' experience engaging in dialogue

How Can We Work Together?

Through our consulting services at the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, we hold space for respectful and productive dialogue, moving beyond yes versus no to allow for co-created solutions, informed decision-making and collective action. We're best known for our work in deliberative processes; public engagement and facilitation; stakeholder engagementstategic planning and design for engagement and public participation strategies and training for governments and organizations. We can also work with you to tailor your dialogue and engagement in any or all of these areas and more.

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"In reaching this milestone, Im so thankful of the support and advice from the museum working group, as well as 間眅埶AVs Wosk Centre for Dialogue. They have been instrumental in making sure this museum is developed in collaboration with the Chinese Canadian community and stakeholders throughout the province."

Minister George Chow, B.C. Minister of State for Trade

Our Core Objectives and Values

Our work is grounded by the following core objectives and values:

Convene and Facilitate Transformative Conversations

We actively work to hold space for respectful and productive dialogue, moving beyond yes-versus-no to allow for co-created solutions, informed decision-making and collective action. We strive to build the capacity of governments and citizens for continued democratic engagement long after were gone.

Focus on Equity, Inclusion and Going Beyond the Usual Suspects

Legitimate engagement outcomes depend on reaching beyond the usual suspects and require a concerted effort to seek out missing voices. Hearing from people with diverse lived experiences leads to more innovative ideas, better decisions and stronger democracies. Find out more about our Equity and Inclusion in Public Engagement work.  

Support Citizens and Governments in Shared Decision-Making

We design and facilitate processes that include the full range of interests, reduce barriers to participation, frame discussion materials to reflect evidence-based information and share results with participants in a timely manner. Our Principles for Collaborative Engagement guide shows how we support citizens and government in shared decision-making.

Responsive and Client-Centered

We design customized and innovative processes through deep collaboration with our partners, ensuring that the needs of both the client and the participants are met. For each project, we draw on our diverse in-house engagement practitioners to build a customized and multi-disciplinary team.

Commitment to Transparency

One of the largest barriers to public participation is the belief held by citizens that their input will have no impact on decisions. We are committed to combating this lack of trust by honestly communicating the purposes and limitations of engagement, presenting public input using transparent methods and reporting back on engagement outcomes. Learn more about our Strengthening Canadian Democracy work.

Over the past 20-years, 間眅埶AV's Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue has been privileged to work with dozens of partners on hundreds of impactful projects. 

See Who We've Worked With

Let's Start a Conversation

Purpose of Inquiry

Please do not use this form for room bookings.* To book room rentals in the Wosk Building, please email meet@sfu.ca or visit the Meetings, Events and Conferences website.