
Neighbourhood Fund for Climate Action

The Neighbourhood Fund for Climate Action was launched to co-power Burnaby residents and institutional leads to implement initiatives that accelerate climate resilience in Burnaby.

What is the Neighbourhood Fund for Climate Action?

Urban Resilient Futures Burnaby (URF) puts people at the centre of climate action. Stewarded by 間眅埶AVs Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue in partnership with the City of Burnaby and Vancity, the initiative is working with Burnaby residents and stakeholders to accelerate a just transition to a resilient, low-carbon future.

We are excited to launch the inaugural Neighbourhood Fund for Climate Action which will co-power Burnaby residents and institutional leads to implement initiatives aimed at accelerating climate resilience in Burnaby. The program will build social resilience by connecting the City of Burnaby with Burnaby residents, Burnaby agencies, and climate-leading organisations to collectively catalyse climate action, including creating greater cohesion and collaboration across organisations, institutions, and groups most impacted by climate change. 

By encouraging residents to take actions together in groups, projects can also enable participants to build social capital, explore what climate action means to their personal identity and make connections between climate and other community priorities such as health, equity, and community. This type of group-based action is more likely to sustain progress over the long-term because it is rooted in community aspirations and relationships.

In our research we learned that community organisers in Burnaby face challenges when it comes to climate action and adaptation. For example, it is challenging to access reliable funding and to connect with Burnaby city staff and decision makers. Communities are facing pressing climate issues including heat waves, the need for sidewalk connectivity, and disproportionate impacts felt by certain groups. The purpose of the Neighbourhood Fund for Climate Action is not to reinvent or impose ideas about climate action and climate literacy, but rather to recognize, support and further catalyse the many ways communities and neighbours already work together to advance climate solutions in Burnaby.


Applications are now closed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply?

Applications are now closed.

I dont live or work in Burnaby, can I still participate?

We recognize that municipal borders are a convention of colonial administrations. We welcome applications from anyone who has a strong connection to the land currently known as Burnaby or the communities that exist on the land.

Who is not eligible to apply for funding?

  • Government, institutions, for-profit organisations and partner organisations
  • Individuals with a project that do not serve community needs (cannot be solely for individual benefit)
  • Impact must go beyond you and your circle 
  • Cannot be for profit
  • Note: capital purchases will be accessed per application

Who can I call if I have questions?

If you have questions, please contact: Melvin Singh (melvins@sfu.ca) and/or Noni Nabors (nnabors@sfu.ca).

What if my project fund request does not quite meet the outlined funding tiers?

We invite you to apply to the tier closest to your requested amount and we will then assess your application holistically and decide on a workable sum of money.

For reference, the funding tiers are:

  1. Tier 1 = <$1,000
  2. Tier 2 = $1,000 - $1,499
  3. Tier 3 = $1,500 - $2,499
  4. Tier 4 = $2,500 - $3,999
  5. Tier 5 = $4,000 - $5,000

Is it a requirement to attend the community event where fund recipients are announced?

It is strongly encouraged that fund recipients attend the community event as it is an opportunity to meet the Climate Action Fellows and network with subject matter experts as well as members of the community.

If I am not a successful fund recipient but I would like to attend the community event, would I be able to?

Yes, we welcome everyone to our community events.

Is it ok if I am applying as a part of a group and group members are not from the same neighbourhood / community?

Yes, as long as the project impact is focused on the City of Burnaby (or a specific neighbourhood in the city) or residents of Burnaby or a combination of.

If you have questions regarding the fund, please contact: Melvin Singh (melvins@sfu.ca).

Partner Organizations