
Cities + Climate

Welcome to the Cities + Climate Initiative, a transformative undertaking that evolved from its predecessor, the Cities + COP26 Initiative, initiated in early 2021.

Their primary objective is to bolster the efforts of Canadian cities and city-focused civil society organizations in propelling multilevel climate action across the country. Over the course of three significant roundtable dialogues held in 2021 and 2022, coupled with their active engagement at both the COP26 and COP27 UN Climate Conferences, their dedicated team has been steadfastly committed to elevating the voices of Canadian cities.

This team is committed to fostering a united and collaborative narrative, amplifying the collective climate priorities of our cities as they strive to make substantial strides in combating climate change. Join Cities + Climate on this transformative journey as they contribute to shaping a sustainable and resilient future for our cities and communities.

Connect with Cities and Climates' Associate Director

Email Jude Crasta

Cities and Climate Team