

Launching Two Updated Frameworks to Help Plan Your Next Engagement

February 22, 2024

Our Office of Knowledge & Practice recently revised and updated components of two of our resources: the Strategic Framework for Public Engagement and the ENABLE Framework.

The Updated Strategic Framework for Public Engagement

In our experience as public engagement practitioners, we have found that the difference between impactful and tokenizing public engagement processes can often be traced back to key conversations in the early planning stages. The way we frame engagement questions, map key stakeholders and design the follow-up can all help align engagement outcomes with the needs and expectations of community members and decision-makers.

Our recently refreshed Strategic Framework for Public Engagement is a pocket-sized planning toolkit, proposing six strategic conversations to hold when developing an engagement initiative. The framework incorporates key tools developed by the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2), the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation (NCDD) and the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue. These planning considerations are not only useful at the start of an engagement process, but can also be revisited as the project progresses to ensure the work is still meeting its initial objectives, or to adapt to emerging needs and challenges.  

The Updated ENABLE Framework

In the dynamic landscape of governance, the push towards transparency, participation and accountability is essential for fostering open governments. The ENABLE Framework emerges as a transformative tool, providing a structured approach to organizational change management, embedding the principles of open government and public participation.

The ENABLE Framework serves as a comprehensive guide for governments seeking to embrace open governance. By addressing key pillars such as evaluation, networking, standards, buy-in from decision-makers, learning culture and equity, organizations can pave the way for a more transparent, participatory and accountable future.

How Do They Intersect?

The emphasis on revisiting planning considerations throughout the Strategic Framework for Public Engagement project echoes with the ENABLE Framework's call for mid-stream course corrections and adaptation to emerging needs and challenges. In summary, both resources underscore the foundational role of early planning conversations and strategic considerations in the success of open governance and public engagement initiatives. They share a common thread in advocating for a thoughtful and adaptable approach to address the unique contexts and dynamics of the communities involved.

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