
Workbook for Evaluating Democratic Engagement Impacts Using Pre- and Post-Surveys

Developing pre- and post-survey evaluations takes several steps, and the process can often feel complicated. This workbook simplifies the process by providing a step-by-step guide to follow. There are several benefits to evaluations that make the extra effort worthwhile:

  • Spending time on evaluations creates clear markers and data to show how and why something works. They will help you better understand your program and help you improve it for the next time.
  • Using similar evaluation frameworks creates an opportunity for knowledge sharing across programs, making a way to collectively talk about the democratic impacts of different programs and projects. We know clear and thoughtful evaluations assist practitioners in sharing good practices with others doing similar work.
  • Evaluations give organizations an advantage with funders and stakeholders by providing facts and specific examples. Funders, public servants and governments always want to know your program’s specific impacts on your participants. Ideally, every organization should have clear evidence of the real-world changes its program has made.

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