
Martin Laba

Associate Professor

Martin Laba is an award-winning teacher in the School of Communication who conducts research in two major areas of the discipline: applied communication for social issues (research and design of public engagement for urgent and critical social issues); and educational development and design for media/communication studies.

T: 778-782-5166

E: laba@sfu.ca
Room: HC3180


  • Ph.D. Memorial University of Newfoundland 

Currently Teaching


This instructor is currently not teaching any courses.


Recent Publications, Conference Presentations, Public Talks:

  • "Verso nuove frontiere educative/Towards new educational frontiers," Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli (fondazionefeltrinelli.it/verso-nuove-frontiere-educative), April 2018.
  • "Educational Resets: The Assumptions of Technology and the Mission for Creativity in the Jobless Society"/"Education (r)evolution: Ripensare la formazione nell'era digital", Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, The Jobless Society Lectures, Milan, 2018
  • "The Eye of the Storm: Educational Resets for the Jobless Society," Future of Education Proceedings (Rome: Libreria Universitataria, 2018); presented at the 8th International Conference on the Future of Education, Florence, June, 2018.
  • "Creatività e arte vi auiterannoa creare lavora," television and on-line video feature interview on education and the future of work, Milan, 2018, www.morningfuture.com/it/article/2018/06/01/creativita-arte-lavoro/311/
  • “Dangerous Times: Media Education for Civic Engagement," Future of Education Proceedings (Rome: Libreria Universitataria, 2017); presented at the 7th International Conference on the Future of Education, Florence, June, 2017.
  • "Post-Truth Media: Popular Digital Culture and Education for Civic Engagement," Second International Conference on Communication & Media Studies, Vancouver, 2017.
  • "Hearts and Minds: Provocations and Possibilities in Educational Futures," Keynote Address, 7th International Conference on the Future of Education, Florence, June, 2017.
  • Forthcoming: journal article

"Learning in the Street: Activism and the New Matters of Education" (Bologna: Filodiritto Editore, 2019)




  • Applied communication for social issues
  • Digital culture/popular culture
  • Media design for social change
  • Advocacy & media
  • Media education and civic engagement
  • Education, pedagogy and digital culture