


Global Media Monitoring Project

The Global Media Monitoring Project is the largest and longest running international research project on women in the news.  Conducted every 5 years the 2010 reports mark the 4th time women in the news was monitored, and this time included data from 108 countries world-wide.  Dr. Cross coordinated the research for the Canada data, and wrote both the Canadian and the North American reports.

Scholarly Publications and Books

  • Cross, Kathleen A., Robert A. Hackett & Steve Anderson. (2011) Communication and Resistance: Options and Strategies for Change [Book chapter] in Publicity and the Canadian State: Critical Communications Approaches, Kirsten Kozolanda (ed.) University of Toronto Press. Forthcoming.
  • Cross, Kathleen A., (2010) Experts in the News: The differential use of sources in election television news. Canadian Journal of Communication, 35:3.
