
Graduate Co-op

Explore opportunities to apply your knowledge, meet experts in the field, and to help finance your graduate degree. 

The co-op program offers you paid full-time work experience which is different from a Research Assistant position. Co-op terms span between four or eight months versus a short term Research Assistant positions which is based on the project.  

Co-op contact

Sangita Mudaliar

Program Assistant

T: 778-782-5367
E: cmnscoop@sfu.ca
Room: K9657

Liesl Jurock

Co-op Coordinator

T: 778-782-5542
E: lrjurock@sfu.ca
Room: K9655

Sara Sethna

Co-op Coordinator

T: 778-782-2107
E: ssethna@sfu.ca
Room: K9655