
Labs & Projects


Created in 1997, the Assessment of Technology in Context Design Lab (ATIC-DL) is a research facility specializing in research related to the human dimensions of technological change. The ATIC-DL’s research work is based on the philosophy that technological systems are more than simply machines, and in order for technology to work properly, a wide range of issues related to how people do their work must be considered. Projects use qualitative research and participatory design methods to improve technology design.

Faculty: Ellen Balka



The Applied Communication and Technology Laboratory (ACT Lab) is engaged in research on the intersection between communication technology and cultural creation. It brings together graduate students, practitioners and researchers to study a wide variety of applications of advanced technology to education, community, entertainment, and the arts.

Faculty: Andrew Feenberg


The Transnational Culture and Digital Technology Lab

This research lab is dedicated to the study of transnationality in its multiple forms and geographies, as well as its cultural impacts, economics, and cultural politics. By conducting research on the forms of transnationality from the Global South in the global sphere, it studies the ways in which popular culture is seamlessly integrated into digital technology and other areas of everyday media use.


Faculty: Dal Yong Jin


The Sonic Research Studio is home to the World Soundscape Project (WSP) and is currently a site for critical sound studies research in the areas of urban soundscape design and livability, cultural soundscape studies, sonic media, sound in gaming, and more.

Faculty: Milena Droumeva, Barry Truax, David Murphy


The Disinformation Project

This SSHRC-funded project examines fake news discourses on Canadian news media and social media. The project seeks to understand how Canadian journalists define disinformation and fake news and identify the way they deal with this phenomenon. It also explores fake news coverage and its cope by cateorizing Canadian news stories into types using news values theory.


Faculty: Ahmed Al-Rawi


The Distributed Networks

Media Archaeologies of Educational TV and Communication Studies in Canada, 1945-1975.




An Exploration of Independent Journalism's Epistemologies (EDIT)

The emphasis of the project is on dialogue across countries between academics and organizations representing and advocating for independent journalism.

Faculty: Sarah Ganter
