
Shipra Sharma: From journey abroad to landing Marketing position at Telus 


Shipra Sharma is a Communication alumni and a Marketing Specialist at Telus. Having made the most out of her undergraduate experience at 間眅埶AV, Shipra is eager to share her journey and learnings with prospective and current students. We recently sat down with Shipra to hear her story.


Failures are part and parcel of life, they teach you the most and learning is the key to helping you rise from the ashes like a phoenix.


Tell us more about yourself.

I am originally from India and have lived in 4 different countries, including India, Serbia, USA, and Canada. Five years ago, I came to Canada to pursue my Bachelors degree in Business and Communications. During my studies, I also had a chance to study management for a summer semester at Harvard University and complete a self-directed co-op placement at the Coca Cola Company in Europe. 

In my spare time, I often go backpacking to different destinations, such as Australia, New Zealand, the UK. I am also an adventure junkie and enjoy my time skydiving, bungee jumping, ziplining, scuba diving, and snorkeling. Travelling has helped me to be open-minded and break out of my comfort zone. In my spare time, I like dancing, painting, and volunteering with social organizations.



What was your experience like as an international student?

I came to Canada after completing grade 12 in India. It was challenging in the beginning to be away from my family, but I managed to adapt to the new environment gradually. I am also grateful for the opportunity this experience provided to meet so many new people, learn about different cultures and experiences. 


What were some of the challenges you faced? 

The most challenging part for me was to find the right direction in my journey abroad. I learnt that being self-aware is the key if youre on your own. GPA is important. however, at the end of the day, it's the experience and skills that will help you stand out. 


Can you tell us more about your career path as an international student? 

Ive always wanted to get into marketing. To achieve my goal, I became actively involved in extracurricular activities and volunteer roles. I took on leadership roles in student clubs and organizations  on campus, such as Indian Student Federation (Vice-President, Marketing and Sales Officer), UNICEF (External Relations Coordinator), Residence Hall Association (Board Member) to name a few. My passion for community involvement, engagement, and marketing has led me to run for the position of At-Large Rep-Board of Directors at the Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS). The internship with Coke in Europe gave me a fantastic exposure to marketing on the corporate level. Various roles at 間眅埶AV helped me enhance my leadership, communication, marketing, and interpersonal skills. Upon graduating, I landed a full time role as a Marketing Specialist at TELUS.


What was your co-op experience at Coca Cola like? 

I worked in Europe, in the beautiful city of Belgrade in Serbia. I got the opportunity to work in cross-functional teams and with Brand Managers from different countries there. I supported brand managers on their work with various brands, including Schweppes, Coca-Cola, provided assistance with commercials, and worked with External agencies and Youtube influencers. I also took the opportunity to learn Serbian. It was one of the best experiences I have ever had. I learnt the importance of building relationships. The team was so inspiring and they really helped me grow as an individual. 

What are the most recent achievements you are proud of the most? 

Looking back at my time as  the Board Of Directors Team at SFSS, I was proud to see the SFSS International Cultural Festival becoming a success. It was a large scale event that I initiated. It aimed to bring several student clubs together as part of the engagement. The event consisted of cultural dance performances, student club booths, cultural fashion show, food, games, and activities. Over 2000 people attended the event at the Convocation Mall. 

I continue to work towards going with the flow and follow my passion. It was quite a learning curve when I first joined Telus. Now it is my second year working here and my portfolio got expanded. I support and execute marketing initiatives in several cities in British Columbia.


What advice/recommendations can you give to the international students? 

It is essential to be self-aware. Dont forget your roots and be grateful for the opportunities you have been given. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you, support you, and can provide you with constructive criticism. There will be obstacles on the way, but anything can be tackled if you are driven, positive, and have the right attitude towards life. Failures are part and parcel of life, they teach you the most and learning is the key to helping you rise from the ashes like a phoenix.


What is your next goal? 

I would like to continue learning and growing. My next goal would be to advance my career in marketing. 

What was your experience like as an international student?

I came to Canada after completing grade 12 in India. It was challenging in the beginning to be away from my family, but I managed to adapt to the new environment gradually. I am also grateful for the opportunity this experience provided to meet so many new people, learn about different cultures and experiences.