
Katherine Reilly

Associate Professor

E: kreilly@sfu.ca
Room: K9682


  • Ph.D in Political Science, Comparative Development, University of Toronto
  • MPPA (Public Policy and Administration) focused on Developing Countries, Carleton University, Ottawa
  • Hns. BES (Environmental Studies) with a double major in Economics, York University, Toronto

Currently Teaching


This instructor is currently not teaching any courses.


Selected Works

E. Morales & K. Reilly (2024). The Unhomed Data Subject: Negotiating Datafication in Latin America. Information, Communication & Society.

K. Reilly, G. Russell, M. Midakis, J. Park, R. Shaw, From Citizen Science to Citizen Speculation. (2024). In P. Ricuarte et al. (Eds.) Resisting Data Colonialism: Stories of Resistance.

A. Rivoir & K. Reilly (2023). . Media and Communication Journal.

K. Reilly (2023). Heteromation, datafication and remediation: Platformization and participation in development. In A. Chowdhury, G. Gow & H. Hambly (Eds.) Digital Communication for Agricultural and Rural Development: Participatory Practices in a Post-Covid Age. Taylor and Francis. 

K. Reilly & M. J. Morales (2023). The challenge of addressing subjectivities through participatory action research on datafication. In M. Schafer & T. Lauriault (eds.) Making a Difference! Novel Research Methods in the Datafied Society, Amsterdam University Press.   

K. Reilly, M. Flores & E. Morales (2022). . ECREA Communication & Democracy

K. Reilly (2022). . ACM Digital Library.

K. Reilly & E. Morales (2022). . International Journal of Communication

K. Reilly (2021). By Robin Mansell & W. Edward Steinmueller. UK/USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 164 pp.

K. Reilly. (2021). . Internet Policy Review: Journal on Internet Regulation 9(4), 29pp.

K. Reilly. (2020). .  Datactive.

K. Reilly, B. Febres-Cordero, E. Morales, D. Albornoz, M. Morachimo, M. Flores. (2020).  . [Its my Data: Methodological Guide.] Peru: HiperDerecho.

K. Reilly and J. Alperin. (2020). A Stewardship Approach to Theorizing Open Data for Development.  In C. Bentley, A. Chib & M. Smith (eds.) . (pp 27-50).  MIT Press.

K. Reilly and A. Akinwumi.  (2020). .  Bot Populi: Talking Digital Justice.

D. Albornoz, M. Flores & K. Reilly. (2019). .  Development Informatics Working Paper Series, The University of Manchester Global Development Institute, SEED.

K. Reilly and C. Muñoz Nieves. (2019). Data Power Structures in the Goods Sharing Sector in Vancouver, Canada.  Policy Frameworks for Digital Platforms - Moving from Openness to Inclusion. Bangalore: IT for Change.

J. de Beer, K. Reilly, D. Antonialli, and H. Galpaya. (2018). Urban Transport and the Sharing Economy.  In G. Granero Realini (ed.) . (pp 16-30) Argentina: CIPPEC.

 L. Lozano Paredes and K. Reilly. (2018). Decent Work for Ride Hailing Workers in the Platform Economy in Cali, Colombia.  In G. Granero Realini (ed.) .  (pp 92-127) Argentina: CIPPEC.

K. Reilly and C. Muñoz Nieves. (2018). Policy Frameworks for Digital Platforms - Moving from Openness to Inclusion. Bangalore: IT for Change.

K. Reilly. (2017). Communicative Sovereignty: Media and Cultural Policies of ALBA, UNASUR, and CELAC. In B. L. Artz (ed.) Pink Tide: Media Access and Political Power in Latin America. (pp 167-184) Rowman & Littlefield.

A. Hira and K. Reilly (Eds.) (2017). The Emergence of the Sharing Economy: Implications for Development.  Introduction to a special edition of the Journal of Developing Societies.  

K. Reilly. (2016).   Journal of Alternative and Community Media, 1(1), 97-113. 

 K. Reilly and J. P. Alperin. (2016). .  Special Issue on International Communication and Development. Global Media Journal, Canadian Edition, 9(1), 51-71.

K. Reilly and M. Belen Febres Cordero. (2015). Radio Mundo Real (2003-2013): el rol de la comunicación en resistencia en la cambiante coyuntura geopolítica de America Latina.  [Radio Real World (2003-2013): the role of communication in resistance in the changing Latin American geopolitical context.]  Uruguay: Radio Mundo Real.

 K. Reilly and R. McMahon. (2015). Quality of Openness: Evaluating the Contributions of IDRC’s Information and Networks Program to Open Development.  Ottawa: International Development Research Centre.

M. Smith and K. Reilly. (2014).  MIT Press.

K. Reilly. (2014). Media and Multilateralism in Latin America: How the International Matters to Domestic Media Reform. In C. Martens, E. Vivares & R. McChesney, (eds).  . Palgrave McMillan.

K. Reilly. (2014). . International Journal of Communication. Vol 7.

K. Reilly. (2012).  Media Development, 3-4.

K. Reilly (2011). . Information Technologies & International Development, 7(1), pp. 47-60.

K. Reilly. (2007). ICTs and Transnational Civil Society Networking in the Hurricane Basin. In Francis Pisani et al. (eds.) Transnational Networks in the Hurricane Basin: A Contribution to Interamerican Studies. (pp 193-223). Mexico: ITAM.

K. Reilly. (2004). Information Policy Regimes in Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Canada. In J. Martinez, Public Citizen Information & State-Civil Society Relations. (pp 197-288) Costa Rica: Fundación Acceso/IDRC.

K. Reilly. (2003). E-government Strategies in Eight Countries in Latin America. In A. Dujisin (ed.) . (pp 71-111). Chile: Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO), 2003.

M. Surman and K. Reilly. (2003). . Social Sciences Research Center (SSRC), December.



            I use partnership frameworks and action research to develop data literacy techniques that articulate citizen, community or group values towards private sector use of communal data assets, personal identities, cultural patrimony and the like.  I also study the policy regime for data and advocate for socially-oriented approaches to data regulation in the platform economy.  I call this  (in the vein of Castells and Himanen).  My goal is to encourage socially-oriented regulation that recognizes and prioritizes the community data values that are surfaced and articulated through data-oriented action research. This work is made up of three interlaced research agendas:

1.     Developing citizen data audits (CDAs) as a methodology for conducting community-based action research in the platform economy, and as a technique for advancing citizen data literacy.  CDAs emerge out of the subject access request provisions written into data privacy laws, however my early pilot work found that these provisions further enmesh citizens in dominant platform logics and data discourses.  So my goal is to develop audit logics and techniques that surface and mobilize the logics, values and capabilities of non-state and non-corporate actors as a basis for critical evaluations of corporate data use.  See  for more details.

2.     Studying the political economy of data in the platform economy, which I approach by examining the data-driven business models and data policy frameworks that make up the dominant data regime in a particular context or jurisdiction.  My work has documented the data regime in Canada and Peru, and I am currently conducting larger analysis of the Latin American data regime.  I have also articulated the concept of and positioned it as a research framework for studying digital policy.

3.     Theorizing data as a contextualized phenomenon that is shaped by both the data values of specific groups, and valuations of data within the platform economy.  Here I am inspired by the groundbreaking work of indigenous data theorists, such as Tahu Kukutai of Te Mana Raraunga, the Mauri Data Sovereignty Network, who have on data as a cultural expression, as a transactional necessity within colonial settler relations, and as a sovereign resource under threat of extractivism.  I am also inspired by Jean Kilbourne’s deconstruction of patriarchal discourses in the media in relation to recent work on data feminism by Catherine D’Ignazio.

            My current SSHRC-IDRC funded Partnership Development Grant involves 6 digital rights organizations in 6 countries in Latin America.  They are working with women who buy reproductive products from pharmacies in Peru; Rapi drivers who are seeking access to account data in Colombia; migrants who seek access banking services in Chile; retired people accessing telehealth in Uruguay; and youth accessing pharmacy services in Paraguay.  The goal is to leverage the values identified by each group to conduct audits of corporate actors in each country, and then to theorize these findings in terms of grounded theorization of local data values given the dominant data regime in each country.